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I thought that I would post some pictures of my wood working shop. It is a dedicated shop for my intarsia and scrolling, but sometimes I have to clean it up and relinquish it to visitors overflow sleeping. As you can see from the pictures I am not a very organized person but I do have plenty of space for my woodworking. I have a wood burning stove in it so I am able to comfortably work in it year around. And I can blast my music while I do my cutting because I am out of the house and my nearest neighbor is about 1/3 mile away and he is almost deaf anyway.




Nice and very comfortable looking shop. 


You say you are not organized???? - well the pictures don't show it! - if you really want to see what unorganized looks like then I'll send you a couple pictures of my own shop ......





thanks for the nice comments. I understand that I am a little lucky when I realize that because I have my wood burning stove I can scroll in comfort. The shop I had at my other house was a really cool and tidy shop and I felt a little less fortunate when I had to step down from it to this one. After  I had read so many reports about how so many of you are limited by not having the luxury of a heated shop, I began to understand that I did have it better than a lot of other woodworkers out there. I loved seeing other people's shops and so I  thought  I would share mine with all of you. Tdub4ever, that is a Ryobi saw under my work bench. I used it for awhile but I got tired of continually having to buy replacement parts every few months and repairing it. I went on the internet and found my DeWalt saw on sale for $319, freight free and I really enjoy it a lot. Good eye.  

  Hey, my shop is usually quite a bit more messy than it is in the pictures, but since it was looking as good as it is now, I thought it was a good  time to take the pictures. Anyone needing a place to scroll in the winter time, come on over and cut, I can use the company and you can stay because we have  lots of rooms for you to stay in .


I wouldn't dare show you my shop, you would wonder how on earth I managed to squeeze in to cut anything, not that its too small but because I am so untidy, next time I clean up I'll do what Heppnerguy did and take a photo, you might have to wait awhile though.


One question  how many projects will the stove hold at one time,lol :) that's a great hideaway you have! wouldn't take much to put wheels on her!.That's some pile of wood ,not sure what kind.I always wanted a ryobe to try but after eyeballing one at the big box store I decided against it.Love your shop and lay out!great pictures too! :)


hey, A good shop is a used shop. A used shop is dusty, cluttered and has a lot of saw dust everywhere. That is the norm for me, too. But  since I  was going to show my scroll family my shop, I had to do it before I got it all messed up again. You know, 'show your best side'. This is 'not' the real me, even though it is not like Steve Good's shop, which is very organized and always clean as a showroom, mine is quite the contrary, believe me. Thanks to all for looking and now I am waiting to see your shops too, if you have not already posted the pictures. It is fun to see how other shops are like. Besides, the tidiest or best organized shops don't necessarily produce the best work results. skill is way above showroom. You people are artists, I am a craftmans, sort of. ;)


WOW what a great set up.  That is one super shop.  Love the stove, looks like the only things missing are a mini frig for drinks and a microwave to warm up some snacks.  I got 1/3 of a 3 car garage and everything is on wheels so I can roll it out of the way or in the way when I need it.  Whatever works is the way to go.

Thanks for sharing your layout with us.




Don R.

you sure do know how to relax in comfort. Look at your chair and then look at my barstool. you look way more organized than I ever thought of being. Lots of light and as I gaze around, I would think that you too like to scroll a little. You look like you are set up well and able to scroll year around.. nice shop..


Yes, I like to be comfortable so I bought those chairs, one for scrolling and one for carving. The shop itself is prefabricated building which was delivered in one piece and I finished the interior. Put in lots of insulation, lots of fluorescent lights and went way overboard on the electrical outlets, I figured  that you can't have too many. Also installed a thru the wall heat pump/air conditioner so I am pretty comfortable year round. Now all I have to do is keep it neat and tidy. The dust collector and table saw and compressor are in an adjacent building to cut down on noise.

All in all, it works out pretty nice.

Don R


You guys are makin me jealous with talks of wood stoves and a/c units lol  poor Beastie hasn't run in over a year-although I'm thankful I have a place to work-don't get me wrong-and I'm fortunate enough to have a friend who knows campers inside n' out and helped with how to rewire him so I had electricity in him so I can use the pigtail to plug into the Coleman generator I have...


But none the less, I'm getting a case of the wants over here, now lol and we all know what happens when Mama wants something... lol

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