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My son recently upgraded to a new bunk bed and we had to redecorate his room. He choose the theme of Lego Ninjago. If you have a boy under 10, I am sure you know all about it; for those of you who don't it combines all the things little boys love legos, ninjas, fighting, golden weapons, spining, bad guys, good guys, flying ships, dragons, it is "pretty much the greatest thing ever".  We got the bedding, and the posters. He and I have even made an entire armory full of the golden weapons of spinjitzu (Thank god for gold duck tape and paper towel rolls  :D )

I really wanted to make something for him and I decided that the logos for the elemental powers would make nice wall plaques. I looked all over for a decent image that I could use but found nothing. So I ended up scanning in the bed sheet and using that as the pattern. (on a side note, as I was scanning the sheet my husband came into the office and acted like nothing weird was going on)

I cut the pieces out of 1/8" baltic birch plywood and painted them. The backers are glittery gold, which looked awesome against my white shop walls but slightly less cool against the tanish walls of the bedroom. The icons are painted with their corresponding elemental colors.

FYI - the 4 elements and their ninja are

Blue - Lightning - Jay

Black - Earth - Cole

White - Ice - Zane

Red - Fire - Kai


The most important thing was that my son loved them! and the neighbor kid totally wants a set.



Looks like you struck a chord  and hit the nail on the head with the younger generation. You will be remembered for ever as the best ever mom.Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.You could.nt  have done more for him.he's also the first one on the block to have these too.he's all smiles seeing these everytime.where's mine?

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