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Thanks Travis for the directions on adding an album. There is so many things you can do with the software you provide, it is amasing. I did not get creative but just uploaded some items I have done over the past years. Made a seperate item for some turning s too. Will try to add to the albums over time. I do not know how to put a link to the album but if you go to gallery just click on JTTHECLOCKMAN. Thanks for looking and any and all comments and questions are always welcomed.


Hi JT. You have some amazing work in there. Everything is absolutely beautiful. Good job. I noticed you like the Claddagh symbols. You might get a kick out of this pattern. Not nearly as fancy as your cuttings, but its fun to put together. Good decor for St. Patty's Day.




Your pen turnings are beautiful too. Its something I've always wanted to try. I'm trying to save my pennies for a lathe, but it's taking me awhile...LOL. You've gotta explain to me how you did your computer pen. That is the coolest pen I've ever seen!




Great album. Thank you for sharing with us. If you want to put a link to your gallery in your signature, here's a thread that explains that process if you're interested.




Thanks for the kind words. I see you have tutorials on just about everything here. It is a little more sofisticated site than I am used to but with a little reading and watching I hope to get the hang of things. I do want the Irish pattern for sure. Ideas started flashing in my head. I just have to figure out how to download it. I also have to check the pattern vault here. Is this one of those sites that take requests too????


As far as the computer circuit board pen goes, this is a blank that can be purchased and is made from a real computer board that was designed for pen making. It is then wraped around a brass tube and then cast in clear resin. When we get them all we have to do is square the ends and then turn it to the shape we desire keeping in mind we can not go too far down or else we hit the components. These are very popular and I have had success selling them. Pen turning is the hottest hobby going and there are so many materials you can use to make pens. I have only just started but will keep improving. I have some ideas to incorporate scrolling and turning which will expand the scope of my work some. Thanks for looking.


That same video tutorial talks about downloading too. Basically, if you click the picture so that it's larger, click it once again and it will pop up the full size image. Then right click and Save As to save it to your desktop. If there are several patterns you'd like to download, you can use the Download Cart option (covered in the video). That's pretty cool. The Gallery system takes a little getting use to (mostly for creating user galleries), but it has a lot of cool features. Besides, I can't think of a better way to browse through patterns other than in a gallery format. Let me know if you're having any trouble downloading patterns. I'd be glad to help.


We do accept pattern requests. Look for the Pattern Requests forum and you can certainly ask for a custom pattern to be made. We have a lot of talented folks willing to help out.


If you want to combine scrolling and turning, check out this thread. You'd get a kick out of it. Very cool stuff.


Hi JT,


I love the pen. I've been turning for a little while but have run out of pen kits and blanks. Also gotta get something to sharpen the lathe tools. I would love to know where you ordered the computer pen blank from as well as the stained glass and the redheart sierra. I usually use PSI and I know they don't have anything like that. Love the rest of the stuff in your gallery too, especially that pen holder. Awesome work JT. Thanks for sharing it with us.



Hi JT,


I love the pen. I've been turning for a little while but have run out of pen kits and blanks. Also gotta get something to sharpen the lathe tools. I would love to know where you ordered the computer pen blank from as well as the stained glass and the redheart sierra. I usually use PSI and I know they don't have anything like that. Love the rest of the stuff in your gallery too, especially that pen holder. Awesome work JT. Thanks for sharing it with us.







Thanks for the kind words. To answer your questions, you can get the computer pen blank from alot of dealers that sell Berea kits. Such as Bear Tooth Woods and others. I choose to get them from over at the IAP pen turning site. They have a classified section there and people sell all kinds of things and blanks are one of them. One of the original makers of the computer pen blank now sells the generic version which I show and here is a link there. His name is Bruce. http://www.penturners.org/forum/showthread.php?t=47284


As far as the red Sierra blank, I made that one myself. I do not know of anyone making them. They are not hard to do. It is just segmenting.


As far as sharpening the tools, that is a must. Need to have the equipment and learn the process. I use a slow speed grinder from Woodcraft and use the Wolverine shapening system. Quick and easy. The tool of choice for me in pen turning is the skew. Love to see other people's pens and turnings too. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the info and the links JT. I will definately be checking them out later.


I've never tried a segmented turning before, but after seeing the results you can get, I just might have to look into it in the near future.


As far as sharpening goes, I'm in the process of replacing my bench grinder and I'm going to be getting the sharpening system I've seen on PSI's website. Looks like quick setup and at only about $100 I think it's a reasonable price.


I haven't been turning all too long and I'm still having trouble with the skew. When I actually manage to use it successfully I love the result, but more often than not I keep ending up with the chisel digging in and ruining the project. Any tips and suggestions? Always appreciated.



Thanks for the info and the links JT. I will definately be checking them out later.


I've never tried a segmented turning before, but after seeing the results you can get, I just might have to look into it in the near future.


As far as sharpening goes, I'm in the process of replacing my bench grinder and I'm going to be getting the sharpening system I've seen on PSI's website. Looks like quick setup and at only about $100 I think it's a reasonable price.


I haven't been turning all too long and I'm still having trouble with the skew. When I actually manage to use it successfully I love the result, but more often than not I keep ending up with the chisel digging in and ruining the project. Any tips and suggestions? Always appreciated.





Barry practice is the key. Check out youtube and the turning videos there. There are tons of them and there are many using the skew. It is one of those love em or hate em tools. I love mine. Good luck

Hi John long time no see this is a nice board may stay awhile :D



ps great work.

Well well well. Hello Jim I have not seen you on the sites in a long time. Where have you been hiding??? I am still visiting some of the old ones. I found this site through Mike M. ( Flying Dutchman) This site is so well set up with alot of neat features. I think as this site grows it will be one of the best. I just joined so I am feeling my way around and getting to meet some of the members. Great to see a familar name and will be talking soon.

AND how do ya gett home page links to work???


Hi Jim. BBCode is a little strange at first, but you'll get the hang of it quickly. Links can be made in a couple of ways. The easiest is to just post the whole URL like:




The software will automatically figure out it's a web address and create the link for you. If you'd like to make some text into a link, type in your link text, then highlight the text you want to be a link, then click the URL button above. It will create an opening and closing tag. After the first URL, type in = then your URL. So it would look like below:


[url=http://www.scrollsawvillage.com]Your Text Link[/url]


and you'll get:


Your Text Link


Let me know if you have any trouble. I'm always glad to help. :)

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