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these are all .016 aluminum anodized.the double winged bird is 8" wide being the largest of the lot .66 pieces total and all cut with the iron man blades#3 from mikesworkshop.com.about 3-4 hours cut time and everything went like a charm .on the double winged birds I used new blades to minimize heat build up to keep from bending the aluminum.I drilled the eyes with a 1/16th bit and brushed the surface with the collet by drilling to far..live and learn,lol.i enjoyed every second as they were a challenge .prier scrolling experience came in handy on turns etc.this is a repeat customer and it could get better I hope.they love my work .this is the same customer that said if I could cut corian he has work for me.and he did!Thank you jesus.there 's a used dw788 in crags list here for 175.00 .a back up saw in in order!thanks for looking.






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