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Good Thursday Morning!!


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 This morning alot kooler 60's , going up to 70's today not bad. Coffee is brewed and tea kettle on the stove.

 1st thing is brakes and rotors my son truck . Then I thought me and Mary would check out the 4H county fair . We have a few friends that have enteries There. If time warrants maybe go get some couple tires for the suv as Monday it get inspected 

You all have a good safe and fun day


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Morning all, It is also cooler here.  A brisk 64 going to 72.  Great temps.  Getting ready to go to yoga class and then a trip to Newberry.


Thanks but I will have to wait on the tea.  Something about caffine not suppose to have before excerising.


Have a great day everybody.

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going to continue to be a little on the warm side here  too Roly. should be int he high 90's again. got my put browning grass to green up again after a fertilization and watering focus yesterday. The temps have been in 90's for a couple of weeks now and it is difficult to keep the grass looking good and getting my shop time in at the same time. I passed onteh coffee this morning and opted for hot chocolate instead,

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