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another of Paul's sleeping baby


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I usually just do word art and do not have the skill and patience for most of the wonderful projects I see posted.  Every once and a while something will trip my trigger and I will print it and set it aside and look at it for a few weeks thinking about whether I really want to cut it.  Paul's sleeping baby got on the scroll table.  Sorry the photography is not better.  It is done in 3/4 teak - I do all of my work in 3/4 to 5/4 hardwoods.  Comments are interesting.


Male comments generally are "Looks nice, must have taken quite a while."


Female comments from those who have had a child are generally "Ohhhhhhhhhh!  That is sooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!" said in a low, tender, sexy voice.


Thanks Paul, the pattern is a real winner with the ladies.  Right now I am just keeping it for show and tell but if the right baby comes along I might try to cut a name in it or do another one with a name.


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Ohhhhhhhh Doug that is soooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeet.  Ok I had to keep the female end up.


That is fantastic you did a great job.



I assume you were saying that in a low, tender, sexy voice as you were keying the words.  I also see Jerry's feminine side was peeking through.


I really so enjoy all of you people even though I have little to contribute.

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