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Generally forums like new members to introduce themselves. A little knowledge can improve communications.  So here goes. I live in St. Paul, I’m over 65 in a forced retirement situation after 47 years printing.


I’ve been a hobby woodworker for many years. I have a small shop (12’ x 14’) in the basement. I usually cut sheet goods to rough size in the garage and do finishing there if the temp is 50 or more.  My main tool is a Shopsmith (with jointer, belt sander, and band saw) that I purchased in 1982. I also have a Milwaukee miter saw, a Delta ‘lunch box’ planer, 3 routers, two circular saws, DowelMax, a jig saw and a Delta 16†variable speed scroll saw.


I don’t specialize in any type of woodworking. I try to work on new things all the time. I’ve made a  futon, lamps, turned pens, made all our kitchen cabinets, picture frames, desks, garden bench, potting bench – whatever.


I’m here now because I found plans for a wooden gear clock in Scrollsaw Woodworking & Crafts magazine from a couple years ago. I thought there might be members who’ve completed the project  or similar ones and can help me over any humps.


In addition to woodworking I'm a weaver, enjoy reading books, follow F1 and Moto GP racing and I'm really looking forward to the day the mortgage is paid off!

Edited by oldhudson

I too  have been working on a wooden gear clock for awhile but seem to have a tough time getting back to it. So many things to do.. what kind of problems are you having .. Listing them here will most likely get you to the right person to help you. I have not completed one myself but I know several others have. Welcome to The Village. If you come back often you will soon realize how easy it is to have any question that you may have will get answered. Also the people on this sight are a kick and getting to know them is worth what ever time you spend here.




Hi Berry, welcome to the Village.  I'm Marg from Australia.  My you are certainly an all round woodworker.  As for your clock I remember seeing it in the magazine but thats all, I never attempted it, but I am sure someone will be able to help you if you just list your questions.




Ar'nt you the lucky one to have worked on a clock! Welcome to your new home BERRY~ :) Your going to be a much needed inspiration here to help us along too with all your knowledge of wood working.God bless the person that can fabricate and make it work per say a clock.They are one of the most interesting things to see for me,fascinating work,show us your works in process on it so far .We thrive and relish pictures of someones elses work.We learn from each other so share share share,lol.The forum is a hot spot for your hobby info and we love questions.Enjoy your stay here we've open arms for you here my friend! :)

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