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Posted (edited)
Hello everyone:

  I present my first bevel sawnbowl.

As seen in the video I followed all the steps.

But I had a problem when making the holes in the wood at the angle indicated.

When inserting the drill, the perforation it curved doing elsewhere.

So cut circles independently.

And then put them together with wood glue.

How I can fix this problem?

I used a thin drill bit for drilling not noticed.

I occupied wood is 3/4 inch.

In advance thanks for your advice and comments.


Como se ve en el video seguí todos los pasos.

Pero tuve un problema a la hora de hacer las perforaciones en la madera en el ángulo que indicaba.

A la hora de insertar la broca , se curvaba haciendo la perforación en otro lado.

Así que corté los círculos de forma independiente.

Y después los uní con pegamento para madera.

¿cómo puedo arreglar éste problema?

utilicé una broca delgada para las perforaciones no se notaran.

la madera que ocupé es de 3/4 de pulgada.

De antemano gracias por sus consejos y comentarios.




Edited by frankorona

I am not sure if I figured this problem with the drill bits wondering but I too have had this problem at times. My view on this is,  It seem the darker growth rings in the wood is harder than the rest of the wood and when the drill bit starts to cut it's way throught the layers of growth rings, the small and flexible drill bit is deflected by the harder growth rings and thus it takes itself off the intended course because it seeks the easier path of less resistance.

  There you have my take on this matter. You have to remember that with making these bowls you are using a much thicker material than normal for most scroll saw projects so the drill bit also has more of these growth rings to traverse through. I will check back and see if someone has a different take on this than I do, as this is just the conclusion that I have decided on when faced with this problem in the past.



Posted (edited)

Hi Frank:

Well done and good idea from Don about the drilling



I just watched your video

I really love your state of the art clamping system

That must have cost you a fortune

I think I have the same system.......(lol)

Great video, it shows exactly what is involved in making the bowl

After looking at the finished product,

I say you should have sanded it a bit more.......(just kidding, Frank!!!)

Thanks for posting this for all of us to see

Edited by Fab4

Not sure I am understanding the drill problem but in working with 3/4 to 5/4 hardwoods I find the wood graining in many hardwoods will pull the tiny drill bits (especially the wire drill bits #58 to #68 which I frequently use) off a little.  I generally can keep the drill bit going straight by doing the drilling very slowly and every little bit backing out a little and then continuing with the drilling.  It does not always work but I think the method helps.  I also always use a drill press.

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