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This brown trout is my first attempt at scrolling. It is a gift for my friend for his summer cabin on the Madison river in Cameron, Montana. We are going fly fishing there on the first of next month. I will ship it out there and hopefully it will be waiting for us in one piece. A token of my appreciation for the hospitality.

The wood is 1/8" BB plywood sealed with spray shellac, backer is black poster board on hardboard, frame is 1X2 white pine, stain is vinegar with steel wool and tea that I mixed up. Finished with 3 coats of spray poly satin.

Everything I needed to know I learned from reading this forum. Thanks for all the Ideas. All comments and criticism welcome.     




Thank you all for the nice comments. I'm sure if you experienced scrollers think it is OK then he will be thrilled with it. I did a couple of trout oil paintings for him about 16 years ago that he really cherishes. This scrolled piece ought to mix it up and throw him a little curve. I've never been to the Montana home yet, just saw some pictures of the exterior. I am assuming the interior has a rustic theme, so the picture should fit in well.

Thanks again for all the compliments. All work can be improved upon, any suggestions appreciated.  


That is a very ambitious first piece and it looks like you knocked it out of the park.


I really like your choice of material. Nice wavy grain patterns that work well with the subject. Finish looks great too.


The only criticisms I could give, and believe me I am stretching here, is that your mitres on the frame look like they may be a bit loose or sloppy. Honestly though I can't even tell if that's just intentional to go with the rustic theme. I had to really scrutinize to try to find anything remotely wrong. And I only did that because you seemed to want some critical feedback.


Can't understate how impressed I am with this, and not only as a first work but just in general. Do you do other forms of woodworking? If so what types and for how long? Sorry if your other works are well documented here. I'm new and haven't had a chance to look around too much.




The miter joints are indeed sloppy and not what I hoped they would be and weren't intentional. You are very observant. They were done with a back saw and miter box. A wood worker I'm not. The only other form of wood working I do is rough carpentry that needs to be done.

My main hobby I do other than fly fishing is hobby machining. Machining satisfies my OCD behavior and challenges me I guess. Maybe I should have made the frame on my milling machine, (actually crossed my mind while fitting it together).

Thanks for the constructive comments and compliments Fec, and thank you for the welcome Kevin.

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