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Scroll Saw Village


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1. I can't figure out how to add an avatar.

On the upper right corner of the screen, you'll see your name. Click it and it will open a menu. Click My Profile. Then hover over your Avatar and it will pop up a "Change" button.


2. Can a poster go back and edit a post if there is an error? How?


In the lower right corner of your post, you'll see an Edit link in grey. that will let you edit your post. You can't delete your post, though.


3. Is there a thread that talks about general use/behavior on this form - I'd like to know the rules.


In the lower right corner of the forum, you'll see a link to the User Guidelines.


Hope this helps!  :cool:

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1 & 2 Got it, thanks. On the User Guidlines it's clear you don't want folks posting advertisments but I assume that in a discussion a mention of  a specific supplier or equipment or  product is okay? Thanks again!

Berry in relation to advertisements probably a no but as far as mentioning usefull suppliers for fellow scrollers thats ok. We are always looking for good suppliers. So a link is a great way to steer use that way.



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1 & 2 Got it, thanks. On the User Guidlines it's clear you don't want folks posting advertisments but I assume that in a discussion a mention of  a specific supplier or equipment or  product is okay? Thanks again!

This is directed to more folks who are pushing a product or service. The scour the forums in an effort to find posts where they can link to their wares. This is in order to build backlinks to raise their Google rankings. It contributes nothing to the discussions and is pretty annoying. It's nothing more than spam.


With that said, if you have a scroll saw related product, or a product our community can benefit from, you can post an "Advertisement" in the Hot Deals & Announcements forum. Be sure to read the forum rules there before doing so. You can also add a simple link to your website or product in your signature which shows up on all your posts.


General discussion about a product or service is allowed if not encouraged. As long as it fits in the context of the discussion.


It really comes down to this. We all know what spam looks like, and we don't want it here. I'm also pretty good at spotting the "sneaky" ways of spamming a website too.  If anybody wants to advertise on SSV, contact me.  We have banners at the top of the site to advertise scroll saw related websites.  These banners help support SSV so we can keep the lights on.


Don't be afraid to post, though.  Yes we have rules, but they're pretty common sense rules.  We're all pretty laid back here.  We just like to have fun and talk shop.  :cool:

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