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I thought it might be interesting to go back in some of the Village Posts and see what I have missed. I am so glad I did because I discovered there are many wondrous things just sitting in the dust of the old Village files and they are there for YOU to find and enjoy. Here is a hint of what I found. There are many waiting for you to discover. Go to the Forum and scroll down to the General Scroll Saw category. Then open up page 13 and open the file ' I finished the train clock'. This is  one of the best posts I have seen anywhere. After that, I believe you too will enter the dusty attic here in the Village and end up visiting it often.






  Clayton and Marge, I have to say that you both go way back. It is fun to see the progression of others as they became active on The Village.  Unless you have memories way better than mine, I think you too would enjoy going back again from time to time and take another look at the older posts. It might be like going through a diary or an old family album. After all, it is a sort of family album, isn't it?
I hope my post encourages others to go back, way back, and explored the attic for posts.

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