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As a beginner, I'm allowed to make simple (sometimes stupid) questions.
I'm learning how to make portrait patterns using Gimp 2.6. 
My first pattern is my grandson portrait and it seems very good, considering it is the first one.
But I don't know how to add dark outliners to this pattern.
Someone can help me?
Best regards,


By the way, feedbacks about the attached pattern are welcome.

Lucas jpg jun2013.xcf


 I am  not sure   why you would want to add anything to your pattern. It is fantastic. I would cut it if it were mine. congratulations on a wonderful pattern. Be sure and post your finished work. Yourgrandson is very cute, but I know I don't need to tell you that. 


I am unsure what you are asking for but I went ahead and put a black outline on the cut areas, hoping that this is what you need.To do so, I had to convert your pattern to  a jpg then change it to black then run it through Inkscape. After doing a trace bitmap, if you go to the lower left corner you can right click fill and/or stroke, then using "paste color" you can change the colors of the outline and/or the cut areas. Hope this helps you.If not let us know and I am sure someone will be able to help.

For a first or 20th pattern attempt, your pattern is great!!

Don R


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