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Remember the Brand intarsia I made for my neighbor and she said that she did not like it after all the time and materials that I put into it?? Well, she came by the house and paid me the $250 for the 2 items and asked me to hang on to them for her until just before Christmas. I was shocked.. Part of it had to do with the finish. When we first talked aout it she told me she wanted it to be natural wood and not glossy finished. So that  was what I did. now she says that she wanted them glossy. I told her it was too late to change them now. Then she asked me to make one more for her..Can you believe that? So that means I will get from her, $375 total. Not bad for someone who said they did not like them...What the heck ??


Amazing - your graciousness paid off.  What is the opposite of "buyer's remorse"?  Did she have "rejection remorse"?


Did she tell you the names of the brands - especially the second one?


Amazing - your graciousness paid off.  What is the opposite of "buyer's remorse"?  Did she have "rejection remorse"?


Did she tell you the names of the brands - especially the second one?

Yes a asked her about the names and she told me that you were correct on the circle L and the second one really did not have a name.. The circle was just selected to represent 'family' and the dots on the outside represents each of the people in their family. so that mystery is solved.


A quick spray with a clear gloss finish could still make it as glossy as you like.


   I was thinking about trying that. The problem is, I used a paste wax over the top of it. Do you still think it is a possibility to over spray it ? Do you think I should take a piece of scrap and wax and spray it first, just to see how it comes out and if it seems to work OK  and if so, do you think the finish will stay in tact afterwards ?


I think it would be a  good idea to try the spray on  scrap and see how it looks then let it set a few days make sure is dry then rub vigorously and see what stays and what don't. My dad always told me if someone puts money in you hand for what ever reason. Promptly close your fingers  on your hand and say thank you.


done deal ,next! Because you bit your lip blessings unfolded. Happens with me. The land lady is living proof.i made a few expensive things for her and got pennys.low and behold out of the woodwork she put me in my castle im in right now all set up!Thank you Jesus!  :)


  Blessing sometimes comes to us when we least expect it to. Blessing are our rewards for dong what is right by others, I believe. I am happy that those things you did for your  landlord, Kevin , was not forgotten. What is the saying ? something like 'when someone does something good for or to you, pass it on to someone else'  that is how blessing are developed. Always remember that people and relationships are way more important than anything monitary in value.

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