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Cut this a while ago as a Christmas gift for my brother. We are both huge Dr. Who fans. Took me about two weeks to cut and measures about 16"x24". Unfortunately I am not able to post the pattern for this at this time as I am still waiting for permission from the BBC to do so.



Wow, very nice, I would be scared to pick it up, very fragile.


It's extremely fragile. If you hold it by the left side, the right side sags a good 5 or so inches. I just wish I could get the BBC to allow me to sell the cuttings. I could probably make a small fortune! It only takes about 10 hours to cut.


I full well know the feeling of swiss cheese in your hands."grampa's dog misses I cut 20"x40" with 513 holes in it I don't think was as fragile as your works here.I hoped you made a table extension to hold the piece as you cut. I did 20" by 20" on the dewalt.It was challangeing to do the piece you did with out breakage.Pat your self on the back for this accomplishment.


I full well know the feeling of swiss cheese in your hands."grampa's dog misses I cut 20"x40" with 513 holes in it I don't think was as fragile as your works here.I hoped you made a table extension to hold the piece as you cut. I did 20" by 20" on the dewalt.It was challangeing to do the piece you did with out breakage.Pat your self on the back for this accomplishment


Looking back on it now I can laugh about how comical it must have looked while I was cutting. As you know, the table is nowhere near large enough. I was actually taping pieces of 1/8" Baltic Birch ply to each face as I finished them. There is no way this could have been cut using anything but a spiral blade. Thanks so much for the praise Kevin. I'm a bit of a masochist when it comes to the things I cut. I guess I'm one of those people that likes an insane challenge.


I am NOT going to show that to my husband he will blow up my computer drooling all over it.  He is also a huge Dr Who fan, we have pay TV and they started the series again from the beginning and he never missed one.  We are also going to a Dr Who concert in January similar to the Dr Who at the Proms.  You did a magnificent job that would sell really easy if you where allowed. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:




Thanks everyone. I'm amazed at all the great comments. I always wonder if the stuff I cut is something that someone would pay for. Getting comments like these from fellow scrollers who know the process and are all skilled at this really means alot and makes me believe I can make a few bucks on what I create. I appreciate every one of your comments. Thank you.




I am NOT going to show that to my husband he will blow up my computer drooling all over it.  He is also a huge Dr Who fan, we have pay TV and they started the series again from the beginning and he never missed one.  We are also going to a Dr Who concert in January similar to the Dr Who at the Proms.  You did a magnificent job that would sell really easy if you where allowed. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:



If you ask Barry nicely I'm sure he'll send you a copy of the pattern Marg, then you can cut it and save your computer lol

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