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after 2 yrs cooped up in and apartment im finally getting my shop back!!! hope to see alot of my scolling friends here :) some know me as sawdust junkie and alot know me as Darcy. So excited to get back to scrolling will  probably be in the spring as we need to move and get settled in.....



We always are happy to hear from new and old members. 


Two years in apartment has to have seemed like 10!


A crappy shop beats the devil out of no shop!


I  used to have to sit on the inlet of the snowblower and move the scroolsaw every time I wanted to us it

. That was also insulated gloves- stocking cap and insulated coveralls to do about any longer project shop! 

STILL was better than an " apaertment"!  The insane comedian "Gallager" said once; "How can they call them APARTMENTS! when they are

all together like that!" I think he summed it up!



    I don't believe that I have had the pleasure of knowing you prior to now, so i  will also welcome you to The Village. I know that since you were obviously here before and  now you have returned, you feel comfortable here already.  Glad to hear that.  We want everyone to feel comfortable and come back often so the newer people like myself can get to know you as the others seem to already. I am anxious to see you logged on here often and see some of your work posted here too. Be sure and drop in for coffee or tea, It is  served here  on a daily basis and several people hang out in the hosts table to share thoughts and ideas  with each other. You will find them toward the end of the sub menus of the forum. Hope to find you there, warming your hands on a cup of, what ever your desire may be.





Awww thanks everyone!!! you wont be seeing much of me for a couple months as i will be in the middle of a move but come January /feburary i wont shut up!!!! cant wait to become part of the family and share woodworking along with personal things. i have missed being part of a group of such wonderful people near and far... but i cant believe im the only one on the map from canada eh???? will poke my nose in when i can.... gonna be busy busy busy moving ..... but stay tuned for the before and afters of my new shop and home...hmmm i cant seem to figure out how to add a pic
 Darcy /sawdust junkie :smitten:


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