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here's a candle holder i found somewhere on the net modified the pattern to accommodate 21/32 ponderosa pine, i got at lowes awile back to build the kids acouple of beds



then a deer saw i made for my father-in-law. made from Burr oak and walnut both pieces where sawn out by chain saw from trees i had growing on my place at the time


that was a long project



...to your request Travis i've uploaded them to the user gallery thanks again and happy scrolling


Very cool. Its nice to see an artist's work in one spot. I know I get a kick out of looking through the User Gallery. :D


i got that pattern from a magazine 2 or 3 years ago not sure how its licensed under




Thanks Blame. This is a good point to bring up. We need to respect the copyrights of fellow artists, no matter what medium. We may only share patterns that we have personally designed. Copyrights, usage, and distribution of patterns are covered in the User Guidelines and agreed to upon registering for this site. You can review the User Guidelines at any time. You can find the link is at the bottom of every page. You can also find additional information in the Pattern Request Forum Rules.


With that said, if someone is interested in a pattern that you did not design, feel free to link or tell them where they can find the pattern for themselves. There are a lot of great patterns out there, and sometimes they get lost in the vastness of the internet. ;)


I hope this clears things up a bit. Happy scrolling! :cool:


Beautiful work Blame............I love them both. You did a great job on them. I think the candle holder is a pattern from Steve Good's site........he has some awesome ones.............this one looks like one of his. Thanks so much for sharing them with us. And thank you Travis for reminding everyone how important it is to respect copyrights!


...copyrights are a pain, i'm sure i broke the copyright making that since i didnt use 1/2" dimension lumber


LOL...nah, just a few patents. :razz:


...I think the candle holder is a pattern from Steve Good's site...Christina


The candle holder does look like one of Steve's patterns. I looked through his catalog awhile back, but didn't see it. I'm not sure if all of his patterns are listed in the catalog, though. It would take some digging through his archives to find it if it was his. I also think I've seen something similar in the Windfield Collection. But I could be mistaken. :?

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