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Spray Tung, Danish oils ???


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Has anyone tried using a cheap finger pump misting spray bottle to spray tung oil?


To wipe or brush an oil on some of my scroll works would cause a problem

especially on the inside cuts.

I think the oil would run on the frets if I brush and I don't think wiping would work either.

I thought about buying a misting spray bottle and trying that to spray the Tung oil.


I don't think I would try using my air sprayer for this.



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Just a though as you have a problem and this came into mind immediately.staple a cloth on some wood taunt and douse your product you want to use on the cloth not so much saturate it but damp.Drag your flat project across it and that should moisten it just enough like the window tint misting bottle does.let us know what you find out.interesting though you have!

Edited by amazingkevin
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I like to pour my oil in a disposable roasting pan or tupperware and dunk my project.  Then I just wipe off the excess.  I'll let it drip dry on a bed of nails (ir those painter's pyramids).  I haven't done it with tung or danish oil, but it works with mineral oil and lemon oil.  I like using the tupperware so I can seal it without having to pour it back into the bottle.

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I keep my 50/50 mix of BLO & mineral spirits in a mason jar. Like Travis I use a disposable foil roasting pan (but I wipe it out & reuse it) and just submerge the item for a minute or two, take it out and let dry. Pour it back in the jar for next time. I sometimes dab off excess with a cotton rag.


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