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How do you remove runs ?


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Use a new razor blade and cut the run flush with the surface.

Then put your sandpaper on a flat piece of wood and sand lightly to make it all as smooth as the rest of the surface,

Then another very light coat of finish to bring it all together.


and yes, patience and light coats saves much time and trouble lol, but i'm guessing you already figured that out  :)



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I have one somewhere but the paint and body supply for cars sells a 1"x1" square file that looks just like and weighs as much as a metal file .it's used to trim down runs and then you polish or buff smooth. someone always has the answer that will work for you here! looks like a small rubber stamp.post-1607-0-41770300-1384516466_thumb.jpg

Edited by amazingkevin
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Above  information is all accurate. Here are a few little additional tricks to try.


Temperature can affect the way any spray dries and hangs on.   Works better if the temperature is in the 60+ ranges.


If you see the run while it is still wet; make a loop of masking tape and just lightly --ALMOST MISS- the run and SOMETIMES it can be lifted off.


I used to do that on painting vehicles!

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