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Is it the right color you wanted? Did a little bird tell her what you needed?I hate to think what santa wants now! :rofl:You must be a good boy a long time .do you cook ,clean and wash dishes and windows etc?how would you like an adopted step son :rofl:glad to see you happier now,GOD BLESS.



watch it Kevin... his wife may have just decided that a nice saw like that would make hubby happy and now you come along and plant the "you owe me something for this' idea, in her head.. I hope my wife doesn't happen to see your posts and decide I should do the dishes or the laundry or something like that for getting to go to my shop.


 I say us guys in The Village, take you out to the woodshed and teach you a lesson :curse::rofl:







very nice gift. Hope you did something special for the wife.



  gifts as special as this one is, only comes to be because one treats his wife in loving ways and does things for her that shows her that he loves her. You and I already know how special he treats her all the time, don't we ?

   Pretty special gift, I was only joshing Kevin. I love doing things for my wife   just so she is assured that I love her.





Hi Jim


Beautiful gift and a nice size band saw. You are very fortunate to have a wife such as yours. She deserves an evening out on the town. Happy for you. I know you will put it to good use. Now, start her up and make some dust.

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