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Posted (edited)

Well, here is my first attempt at Intarsia. I liked the one Clayton did and decided to give it a try.

Woods used are:

Aromatic Cedar (toothbrush handle)

Bubinga (inside of mouth)

Redwood (eye)

Purpleheart (tongue)

Maple (everything else)


Made it for my dentist for a Christmas present. Pattern was found at Intarsiadesigns.com and was designed by Newton R. Ferguson.


I think it came out pretty good (although I see the problems with it ;)) Let me know what you think!





Edited by coullion

I would not be giving that away for love nor money.  I would be so proud of it I would give it pride of place at home and tell everyone that walked through the door  "LOOK WHAT I MADE"  Excellent work.


Marg  :santa:


Excellent work! I agree with you, it is a lot of work but if you have the right sanders(Contouring)  becomes easy. I have been trying to make a homemade soft sander for a long time to give this beautiful art form a try- 


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