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Hey guys I was wondering if you had sugestions for operating a saw indoors. The temps in my shed here in maind right now are not gery conducive to being out there, ie sub zero temps. I have a kerosene heater but just not enough. I also notice the saw does not like to operate in that cold either. Would like sugestions on using inside my trailer. How do I control sawdust, etc. Thanx guys

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If the saw has a vacumn port use it. Also you could use clear poly or?? hung taped//or  stapled up to make like a hospital privacy screen thing. Make it full length and it will help considerably.


Having spent too many hours sitting on the front of the snow-blower using an electric heater to keep my fingers and the saw working, I know what you are refering to.





Vacumn often also helps-- even watch what catches on the bottom of your shoes.



Enjoy it anyway! Clean up often will also help to control dust.

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I to am inside, I have the vac. at hand, and I went and bought 4 furnace filters for $2.00. Taped them to the back of my 20" box fan and set it as close to the saw as I can get. I keep checking the room and I have no unusual dust anywhere. I do my sanding and board cutting in the shed, and I will do my staining there when it gets warmer.



Edited by lmbrman
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i had a one room set up with cardboard walls around 3 sides of the saw area with a roof with a hole cut for the fans,maybe 4'x4' with a box fan on top of a box fan to get good pull with a pleated paper filter on top of that.the fans pulled the light dust and the heavy fell to the floor.the room stayed quite clean . :)

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