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Hello folks, I'm Roy from bonny Scotland. I'll rephrase that, hello from a dull, wet, cold and windy Scotland.

I've been in the woodwork trade for 40 odd years. Mainly involved in church furnishing, altars,pews, chairs, baptismal fonts, lecterns, organ fronts and anything else you can think of.

Now enjoying retirement with 2 small Grandsons, one coming up on 5 years the other coming up on 3 years, to keep me on my toes. I got an old Rexon "16 single speed scroll saw which was being junked and being a "canny" Scot, as it was FREE, I had to take it. I fixed it, played with it, and enjoyed it. Made a change from the big boys toys. I'm still on the upward slope of the learning curve and hope to get to somewhere near the apex, assuming I last that long. So look out for some imbecilic questions. Apologies for taking up your time with this drivel. 

Rob Roy.

Posted (edited)

Thank you all for the friendly welcome. I'll sort Keefie out later, giving all my secrets away. LOL. It's nice to know that there are so many people willing to impart their knowledge, which has probably been  gathered over a number of years, to a more or less complete novice. Hmmmm, a 68 year old novice, that's stretching it a bit, never mind it's just a number. Thank you all once again and I hope to get to know more about everyone.

Rob Roy

Edited by Rob Roy

Welcome Roy.  (i'm a drivel pro)

You been in woodworking 40 yrs... oops odd years. (Fourty is an even number).

The very first thing you need to do to start on that upper slope is

"SAVE ALL THAT SCRAP WOOD". Unless you have an endless supply.

Besides, your wood sounds 'blessed' already. So your scrollwork will be near

the apex immediately.

Your Rexon sounds good, one speed will do almost anything you want.

Give your Grandsons a hug from 'us' (Me and someone else here)

And   p-l-e-a-s-e   ask an  imbecilic question. 

You will get three   s-e-r-i-o-u-s   answers.




Hi Rob


Welcome aboard you will find it is a great ride at SSV.  I am from the other side of the pond in the middle of the country - hiding from the Northerners, Southerners, and those on the coasts.  Could be in the witness protection program but they would not take me.  This is one of the first places I check each morning and one of the last at night.  SSV and scrolling are both addictive.


iT'S MI TURN NOW EH!Huv ar ye .thenk ye for joinin.Whits new can a gie ye  a haund wit yer saw everD've spaek english an scot to?Whits yer name,Rob roy?Nice tae meit ye.Year verra kin to join our clubWhaur d'ye bide,bonney scot?did ye lik it haur?Whit d'ye dae for a livin now?how auld ar ye 68?Happy Hogmanay!!!!A'd like tae veesit scotland ae day Ma scots is bad dinna fashyerse i you in guid hands here now! :) Enjoy :)


Hey Rob Roy, glad to see you made it to the other side.  This is Chelcass from Michigan.  I do believe we were on Free4all Together.  Great bunch of folks here, always willing to lend a helping had.  Ask any questions you want someone will always respond.  Check out our gallery for some fantastic patterns.


G'day my friend.  Its about time you got here.  I told you to come on over last year, still better late than never I guess.  They are a really great bunch here and very helpful.  You will see a lot of faces you already know.  Some have different names though, I think they do that to put me off.    The site is easy to get around too but if you have any problems just ask Travis he will soon sort you out.  Now I'm waffling. :)




Hello Rob Roy,

   We have not met until now.. Welcome to you here on SSV. Feel free to ecplore all the nooks and cranny and with all your years of woodworking I bet you are full of answers to share with all of us here. Come back very often and get to know the people who were not on the Free4all sight with you. I discovered that site just before i went down so i am only slightly familiar with it.Hope you post often and get comfortable here.




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