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Yes these all are remarkable pieces and most of them i would already have customers for or as gifts that last with history.Mike's workshop who advertizes scroll saw blades on top of ssv's home page sells these blades for the scroller .they would be the jewelers blades.When trying them i first time run your machine very slow just off of the lowest speed till you get you'st to cutting and practicing control..Turns is where the blade will break everytime if you don't go dead slow as thats where the most heat build up is on the turns and heat is the enemy and killer of scroll saw blades.if you want a fret saw like the guy used "lee valley tools " sell them and very low price too..The things you learn on SSV everyday will fill a book .Never ever miss a day in the forum if you love to scroll.Steve goods "scrollsawworkshop.com" somewhere in his site shows how to make a coin holding jig to cut them .i just glue the coin to a piece of wood and have at it..This way you don't need the zero clearance hole under the project. A zero clearance hole is needed ,for tiny thin cutting projects to keep what your cutting from bending or breaking of prematurely  because there's no support under them .This area im taking about is where your scroll saw blade goes thru the cutting table of your saw.sometimes just a playing card taped or glued over the hole will do,sometimes a thin sheet of metal is needed.After you cover the hole poke a hole in it to let you insert your blade  and cut away as usual. :)

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