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GOT THIS FROM HARBOR FREIGHT FOR $32.00 Was given a coupon in line waiting to check out from a customer i was humoring with jokes.The saw sharpener is not the best in the world and i took mine apart as it needed greaseing to work better .there's play in the mechanizms and fine finish work or presision work is not gooing to happen.BUT it gets the job done  once you figure out ow to use it and work with the idio idiosyncrasy it has.It uses a diamond tile saw blade for carbite blade tooths and a stone for non carbides blades..I working on learning to do every other tooth angle cut on my 10" an 12" blades..Useing a allen key and wrenchs slows down the process of getting things done quickly ,so i may change to thumb screws  or tee handle  bolts .thats one of the biggest draw backs of it so far.Just to grease the two rails the motor slides on took an hour  and was like not fun at all to many screws washers etc. to deal with.But now it's done for ever . :)post-1607-0-14635700-1391143090_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-93820700-1391143102_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-56859700-1391143115_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-18595000-1391143138_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-83825500-1391143155_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-30264200-1391143167_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-70399000-1391143182_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-43417500-1391143216_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-09863800-1391143232_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-61795300-1391143247_thumb.jpg


Good morning RON  Yeah i got the bed back,well saw in me back ,lol.It's a shame to have ALL the toys and can't play with them.One day soon i'll load up the tables outside and post a picture of my shop in the garden.it's overwhelming..I cring looking at all the work our loyal members do and i can't indulge..you know the saw sharpener will find it's use someday as i sharpened all the blades i have .i also bought the drill doctor years and years ago.and am thoroughly impressed with it ..It in seconds leaves your drill bits razor sharp and same way as the saw sharpener it uses a tile diamond blade to do the job.I highly recommend this prodict to anyone.Now this is one you can make a few bucks with from your friends drill bits.


Your exactly right ,It does the job and for the price you can't go wrong ,I mounted both that and the chain saw sharper on 3/4 ply plates  the chainsaw sharpener  over a drawer that holds all the goodies ,store in a cabinet ,have spare blades and pull out and do 6 or more at a time .not worth the effort for one or two ,too much set up . I have sharpened a couple dozen in the last two years all carbide 3 different tpi ,paid for it self .both in convienece and cost ,I love my drilldoctors as well , except on real small sizes ,too hard to align ,do them by hand .my only beef is they won't do pilot points ,I love them for stainless steel and accuracy .all three well worth the money if you have the need ! 


If ,I were you ,I'd buy ,one and provide the percision it lacks ,and you would have a great tool ,using as a model should save ton's of TIME ,JMHO

Your right about the the sparks ,it can throw ,I check each blade first and set for the worst tooth ,some blades lots of sparks . Make for slow process to remain the cool !


I will probably buy one for the motor and spindle unit and then rebuild all the rails and such. They just build that stuff way to sloppy for my taste. I do a lot of machine building and revamping old machines for different industries so I just can't help myself when it comes to a machine like this.


It is kind of like my scroll saw. If you look under the covers you will find a lot of parts that are not exactly original. It came with cheap plastic junk and bushings. As things got wore out I made the replacement parts out of good materials and replaced the bushings with bearings. Like I said I just can't help myself. If I added up all the time thru the years I probably have more $$ worth of time in that saw then a top of the line saw would cost me.Lol


I don't have your maching skills ,30 yrs as a field service engr.industial equip ,inj. molding and all accessories ,Built DIY sand flee,packaging machines

,L-sealer, shrink tunnel oven  X-Y band saw table for resaw ,phneumatic clamps  and presses ,I can appreciate you conversion mentality ,It's the journey keeps me motivated and looking forward to tommorrow ,love a chalenge .The more you do the more you can do ! I feel like the guy who said I have done so much with so little for so long I am beginning to think I can do just about anything with next to nothing ! Your a man after my own heart ! I modified my 788 to dust free ,material costs minimal time thats a different story ,I can't buy one like mine ,to me it's priceless .Good to find some one crazy as me !


I like that what you said CARL ! i have fixed so many things with just aboout nothing and am proud of it.I like making better mouse traps so to speak.DANNY i believe it's the inside of the tooth thats sharpened.The part of the tooth that hits the wood first is where it's sharpened. :)


The only part about sharpening the face of the tooth that bothers me is the fact that some of the carbide inserts that are in some of the saw blades are so thin that I would have a shorter life of the blade. I have been giving it some thought and want to make it so it will sharpen on the OD (outside diameter) of the blade. It shouldn’t make that much difference on the diameter of the blade but should give me a few more resharpes on the blade.


I have not looked yet ,but the first question that poped into my head was ,will that complicate the set up going to that double angle ,you are right about the reduced size of the tips ,not leaving a lot of stock to resharpen in either direction ,I think were headed for one time use (forced replacement ) everything seems headed that way.


smart purchase Kevin, it's hard to find someone who can sharpen a circular saw blade. You could practice and learn how to use it well, and then sharpen blades for other people for a few bucks. Way to go!<br />Len


Yeah the blades with two angles are more work but once your set up for the first angle it goes quick.If i made some angle stops that would be trick and fast.i love hearing and learning what others see in post like this ,fascinating!!!

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