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Anya Plaque
Found this pattern that looks a lot like my cousins furbaby Anya .  Cut this for her birthday later this month. Cut from ¼ in. Poplar backed with 1/4in maple ply.  Stained with Colonial Pine and then finished with shellac.
Spoon Rest
Found 4 of these olive wood mini cutting boards in the HomeGoods store in our area and turned one of them into this spoon rest.  It has been finished with shellac.




I make things all the time that do not work as planned... most of the time i just change the plan and use it for something else, however I have an overflowing designer firewood bin.  Helps keep the shop warm ;)



You Sir: are a man after my own heart !!,Plan -the work -work the plan ,if the plan don't work ,scrap the plan ,keep the work ,subsitute a new plan ,been using that method all my life ,I thought I was the only one ! 

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