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Welcome Ray to the village you've come to the right place if you want to know more about scroll sawing, anything you want to know just ask there is no such thing as a stupid question but there is occasionally a stupid answer just jiving you, seriously welcome hopefully we'll have you scrolling in no time.


Hi Ray a big WELCOME from me. I can safely say that you are in the right forum for all woodwork skills not just scrollsawing there's intarsia,turning,burning and more. The members here are worldwide in there skills with the art of woodworking so ask away and you will be helped. Oh and don't forget us pattern makers for whom this art would not work without. :D


Don't forget to show us your work pens etc. God bless.





   It looks like you figured it all out because I am enjoying the photos of your really nice pens.. Just remember to come back often. You will get to know everyone really fast if you do and we will get to know you and we all will benefit from that


Welcome aboard




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