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My "Canadian" Moose


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Well I finished my Moose and as requested by some, here are some pictures. It's made from Iroko with pine for the antlers. It was cut mainly with an FD UR #5 blade and an FD UR #1 blade for the ears & tail. It has been finished with 2 coats of celulose sanding sealer followed by 2 coats of spray lacquer.

Hope you like it.





Edited by keefie
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splendid outcome sir,dramatic attention getter.top of the line card holder .if 20 card holder are all next to each other you have no option but to go to yours first .nice trick!!! this is hot as a firecracker.wonderfull finish and choice of woods too..There will be requests for plenty i can assure you! :):thumbs:

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Well I finished my Moose and as requested by some, here are some pictures. It's made from Iroko with pine for the antlers. It was cut mainly with an FD UR #5 blade and an FD UR #1 blade for the ears & tail. It has been finished with 2 coats of celulose sanding sealer followed by 2 coats of spray lacquer.

Hope you like it.



attachicon.gifMoose 1.jpgattachicon.gifMoose 2.jpgattachicon.gifMoose 3.jpg

When did you turn amature Keith!!!!!.

Rob Roy.

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He looks great and I would not say that you are an amateur,  royalty have some of your work NOW put that on your cards.



Did you have to mention Royalty Marg!!!. There will be no living with him now. We'll al have to tug our forelocks and you'll need to curtsey, (if you can) :roll:  :roll:  :roll:.

Rob Roy

Edited by Rob Roy
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