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Hi everyone, I Just wanted to introduce myself, as a new member. I have been a wood working hobbyist for a little while, but am an old guy (83) with arthritic problems which don't help my standing around. I figured that if I could continue my woodworking hobby in any way, it would likely be in scroll sawing, since I feel I could do that while seated.  I have been researching scroll saws online, and think that the DeWalt 788 seems like the best choice for me.  I don't want to go on too long about this, because I am probably in the wrong section of the forum to discuss this.  However, I am wondering now, since I have read that the Excalibur, and the DeWalt were both originally made by the Sommerville company, but have now been lately manufactured in an Asian country, and that quality control has deteriorated.  I will search further in the forum and see what I can learn, and will then update my intro. when I decide on which saw, and then make my purchase 


Hi fellow Canuk


I am on the other side of the GTA just north of Whitby in Brooklin.


Our club has 7 of the DeWalts and I have and Excalibur at home.  I have use both quite a bit but I still prefer my Ex-21.  I have the foot switch on the EX-21 and that does make a difference.  I have had my EX-21 for almost 4 years and the only time I a problem with the clamp I called general in Montreal and they sent me a new clamp the next day.

We have not have had any issues with the Dewalts and they do get a work out. 


I think it really depends on your budget.  I got mine from Federated in London when the Kitchener Wood Show was on as they had a 10% off deal plus they shipped it for free.  Check with them to see what they will offer.  You often see used Dewalts for sale on Kijiji or Cralglist.


Good luck


Welcome to the Village




Welcome Edmond  ,Were just as happy as you are and would love to hear all you know about wood working I too love to sit and work and this is the perfect hobby for that.Angle your saw forward so you can have a birds eye view of were the saw blades cutting. A foot switch to turn the machine on and off is a plus.Great lighting is a plus too.i have two dewalts now and the third i gave to a friend interested in scrolling.Everything you'll ever want to know or learn or share  will be the forum.You can go back many months in each forum to see whats been talked about too.I've had two type 1 dw788's and the lastest one is a type 2 .Let us know your findings on both machines.We love shop talk here and pictures really gets our attention.Welcome  aboard ,make some friends and have a ball and thanks again for finding us  !ENJOY ! :)


A big HI from the west side of Oregon.


AMAZING K just summed it up! 


I actually use my saw flat and have a Salvation army  special for a stool. A bar height with a back rest and swivels; WITH NO casters! They can have you move at the wrong time.


It is a good saw; a DeWalt 788-.


I did add extra light and a shelf between the saw and the factory stand!


Start with smple things first.. A cut into the waste area mistake is easier to fix than into the project.


The tip about using clear packing tape over your projects work well.


 I put my pattern onto the tape.  (I use a fine point RED permanent marker & make templates if I plan on a repeat).

.Easier to get rid of slight error that way that shows, but, does not matter. Just remove the tape and only you know there ever was a mistake!


Make things to please you! If they do NOT like it --TOO BAD!--just so you DO!



Make a comfortable work station that fits what you need! Not like anyone else's just for you!





Welcome to the Village Edmund.  I am Marg from Australia.  Edmund I have a DeWalt and a Ex21 and truthfully I prefare the DeWalt, it is quite a few years old though.  At the end of the day the decision is yours though.




Good morning Edmond


Welcome to the village. I've been using an Excalibur for the last fifteen years and love the saw. Spoke with Cindy the other day from Seyco regarding quality control since they moved production off shore. She assured me they have their own people over there maintaining quality control. As to which saw to chose I think you'd be happy with either one and the budget you have in mind.


Good day Edmond- I now have a DW 788 I love it. I had a craftsman, a 20 incher for about 15 years. The new craftsman's don't look that good so I then bought a Porter Cable( for the price) It lasted about a year and then it fell apart, I tor it down and there was 2 broken parts in it. Then I bought the DW 788 and it is great, but the choice is yours.

Good Luck






















raftman 20 inch


Well....., Right off the mark It is pretty easy to see that I am going to enjoy this site!


 I thank you all for your warm and encouraging responses to my initial message.  Having read what you are saying, I think the DeWalt is probably going to be my choice as soon as I can afford one. Marg from Australia kind of tipped the vote in the direction of the DeWalt when she said she has both that, and the Excalibur, but she kind of prefers the DeWalt.  Lets see, if she can use one "down under" then they must be really good, ((cos' it has to be a trick, using it upside down eh?)  Kidding apart, they do appear to be pretty similar in design and operation from all that I have read, but the DeWalt is about $200.00 or so cheaper in Ontario, so I think that is the one I am going to go for. 


Again, thank you all for your warm acceptance and I will keep you posted on my progress.




    I am looking forward to seeing your projects when you get your saw. Be sure and start with something not too complicated and in no time there won't be much that you will not want to try, and successfully too.


Nice to have you with us. be sure and  come back often.





Welcome to the forum. I am in Georgetown just a stone throw away currently using a type 1 Dewalt and just setting up an ex21. The Dewalt is a good saw so just find some patterns and give them a try. If you have any questions just ask away lots of help here and enjoy.


post-5492-0-49903400-1393633827_thumb.pngEdmund, The one saw no one mentioned that will meet all your

requirements is a hand held scroll saw. See Thumbnail.

Think I am kidding?

Go to "Works in Progress & Tutorials"

Post  on  ' Dec 10th 2013 '

Title - ' The Munch Swiss Mountain '

  by Gabry Sawyer

and she uses the saw pictured here.




attachicon.gifScroll-Sawing-Outfits-31.pngEdmund, The one saw no one mentioned that will meet all your

requirements is a hand held scroll saw. See Thumbnail.

Think I am kidding?

Go to "Works in Progress & Tutorials"

Post  on  ' Dec 10th 2013 '

Title - ' The Munch Swiss Mountain '

  by Gabry Sawyer

and she uses the saw pictured here.




Isn't she amazing  with her saw? She leaves me breathless every time I see her work





Well....., Right off the mark It is pretty easy to see that I am going to enjoy this site!


 I thank you all for your warm and encouraging responses to my initial message.  Having read what you are saying, I think the DeWalt is probably going to be my choice as soon as I can afford one. Marg from Australia kind of tipped the vote in the direction of the DeWalt when she said she has both that, and the Excalibur, but she kind of prefers the DeWalt.  Lets see, if she can use one "down under" then they must be really good, ((cos' it has to be a trick, using it upside down eh?)  Kidding apart, they do appear to be pretty similar in design and operation from all that I have read, but the DeWalt is about $200.00 or so cheaper in Ontario, so I think that is the one I am going to go for. 


Again, thank you all for your warm acceptance and I will keep you posted on my progress.


Hello Edmund welcome to the forum. I'm Roy from Scotland, you'll enjoy it here. Look out for Marg,she'll have you round her little finger in no time ;)  ;) . Kevin couldn't have put it any better.

Rob Roy.

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