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I while back one of my grand sons ,came home with a extra credit project to build a strong popcycle bridge ,for school ,a contest to build a structual bridge to be pressure tested to test it's strength .We discussed angles ,and trusses, cross bracing and the like , He designed one and built it ,we discussed it's weakness 's .Then he taunted me to build one that I thought was stronger . The deal was to take both to school and bring home the winner under identical test and stop testing once the winner was proven ,and not keep going till distruction of the winner was accomplished.Heres the winner !






That type of bridge is pretty strong, it does have a weakness though.  It can not take a diagonal lateral load from the top.  I think its great though that you are working closely with your grandson to do this.  Wish more folks would do this.  Thanks for sharing this with us.



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