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well I went and bit the bullet


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I wanted a new scroll saw and had enough money to buy a Excalibur EX 21" but My money is hard to come by so I was really considering a 788 and saving some cash. I was afraid that I would be mad at my self for not spending the extra money and getting what I really wanted. so after a lot of thought I am going to spend the money and get the EX 21 god I can't wait to get it :)

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Oh you lucky dog! I hear nothing but good things about the Excalibur. You're gunna have an amazing saw on your hands. I hear ya though. Its tough to part with that kind of money when its hard to save up anyway. But I always hear time and time again from woodworker..buy the best tool you can afford. The precision will be top notch, you'll get better results, enjoy it more, and it will last much longer. I bet if you treat it right, that saw will last a lifetime. So I think you'll be thrilled with your decision. Be sure to take pictures of you new saw for the rest of us to be jealous of. :drool:

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I know what you mean about putting out that kind of money. When I needed a new saw back in 05, I considered the DeWalt, but they were just being made in China and had a lot of manufacturing issues. I also had my eye on the Ex 21, at a much higher price. One thing I liked about the Ex was the tilting arm for angled cuts. Long story short, I had just retired, so sold some test equipment I had and bought the Ex-21. It is a great machine, I never used a DeWalt, but am not sorry of my purchase. It has made me love woodworking so much more.


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It's a wonderful saw, you will be happy with it. I use that one myself. I was lucky though, I didn't have to buy it. It was gotten for a B-day gift from my mother. I was kinda upset that she got it for me, b/c of the price, but then in the same sense, I was really happy she did. Now that I have it, I wouldn't trade it for anything. So easy to use and can do any kind of cut. I LOVE IT! I'm sure you will also. I will suggest though that you go ahead and invest in the stand also, I tried it w/o the stand and had to buy the stand. No other stand would work well enough.

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I know that prices are relative to the country you live in but here is something to make you feel a bit better about the money you spent. Down here in New Zealand the Excaliber saws have just become available at NZ$1500 - NZ$1600. Now, look at the money you could have spent!!! Feel better now??

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