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I'm a retired Navy vet who has acquired an interest in scrolling. Just where I've acquired this interest, I don't know, unless it's that I like to work with wood. I recently purchased the new model of the Porter Cable scrollsaw, and am anxious to get started on some projects.  I really would have preferred the Excaliber, but my budget would not allow at this time. I have a small workshop (12' x 20' ) that I do my woodworking in, which is a work in progress. Most of my woodworking is done as time allows, as I do have a part time job to support my habbit. I welcome any comments to help this "Rookie" along !


Good day Jerry

Welcome to the village. As for additional information to help you along I would suggest checking out the forum. There is a ton of information in relation to scrolling, and if you happen to have any questions, just ask. A member will be glad to be of assistance. All the best to you with your new found interest and look forward to seeing your work.


Ron summed it up!


US addicts all like company--sanity not required (Shh don't tell them--I think if you are too sane they throw you out!--I have nothing to worry about on that though!"


It is a great group and some of the others do some marvelous work.


I just have the oldest working saw!  a 1952; I do not use it much-- it is very limited on thickness capacity-- but, it still works. To top that I am the original owner.

Posted (edited)

the porter cable is a beautiful machine but i would never want one ,No creature comforts ,very hard to change blades ,cheap light , :)I put it in the class of a harbor freight or ryobe saw, not worth having.sorry,but welcome to the village friend!glad to have you! :)

Edited by amazingkevin

Jerry welcome aboard. I am glad that you found us so early in your new hobby. This is a very helpful place to stay in contact with because there is such a large number of people with many skill levels and much knowledge. I would like to invite you to explore the 'Forum', like Ron suggested. Also do not pass up the pattern library where there are well over 1000 free patterns to try. If you find that you run into any problems or uncertainties as you go about cutting a project, be sure and log on and post a question. There are no questions that can stump everyone here. You can rest assured that someone  or several (most likely) will be able to help you. If you decide that you would like to take a crack at making your own patterns, scroll down the form to the Village University and watch the easy tutorials to find out  what you need to knwo to succeed in that endevor. A couple of quick suggestions from me to you,


      Take that guard/hold down, off your saw and put it in the drawer, you don't want it in your way.


       Don't buy your blades from the big box stores because they are way to big for most of the work you will do, trust me on that one.


       Start with an easy profect  that looks fairly simple and then when you are happy with the results. slowly choose more difficult patterns and challenge yourself.


        When scrolling, it is  not about speed, but rather accuracy iwith your cutting.


     And lastly,   go to youtube and type in scrolling tutorials for videos.. this is just a start. I hope you have a great time with scrolling. Be careful becasue it is very addicting. enjoy your retirement. and thanks for the service to our country





Welcome to the Village Jerry.  I'm Marg from Australia. Insanity is not a requirement to be a member but it does help... A Lot.  Out of all the advice you have been given as anyone told you that scrolling is addictive and that there is no known cure. ;)


Marg :cool:


Welcome to the village


I am Don from Brooklin, Ontario Canada.


I love your neck of the woods as we have travelled to Tennessee as few time and love it.


Don't know how far you are from Seymour, TN but it is worth the trip to see Judy Gales Roberts studio if you want to see Intarsia.  It was the highlight of my last trip. 


To take a course or visit her open house is on my bucket list but just to tour the studio was fantastic.  Her web site is http://intarsia.com/


Enjoy your retirement. 




Thanks for all the welcoming msgs. from Scrollsaw village members. I'm certainly anxious to get started with my scrolling. My first question is: What is the most efficient way to attach a pattern to the work piece. I'm assuming it's with a spray adhesive, but I've seen various blogs to the contrary. Probably, whichever way best suits me....eh ?


Thanks for all the welcoming msgs. from Scrollsaw village members. I'm certainly anxious to get started with my scrolling. My first question is: What is the most efficient way to attach a pattern to the work piece. I'm assuming it's with a spray adhesive, but I've seen various blogs to the contrary. Probably, whichever way best suits me....eh ?

For myself I use spray adhesive and remove with mineral spirits.


I sometimes put the clear tape( packing tape from Dollar Tree--Harbor Freight-etc.) over my wood piece then; use my template/pattern and go around it with a fine-point red marker. Red is easy for me to see against the blade and I get to re-use the pattern! If you miss by 1/16th it basically won't show on the finished project.


NO BODY does absolutely perfect work all the time! Do NOT worry about it.


My wood stove used to get a lot of my "projects".


Remember to do it for fun! The only person who has to really like your stuff is YOU!


Jerry, the best answer is: Go to General Scroll Sawing forum.

                                         In the upper right is a search line

                                         it should say something like "Search  This Forum"

                                         Put in your search term IE: Attach pattern

This subject has been covered many times with many variations how to attach.


My way is Blue painters tape, then pattern spray glued on and last is packing tape to hold all in place.

Done.......peal it off.





Hello jerry welcome to the village. I wish yu would have seen me before you bought that porter Cable- A year and a half ago I bought one It lasted about 1 year and then broke down tore it apart and there was 2 parts broken in it, I could have had it fixed under warranty but I didn't think it was worth it. The blades were a little hard to install and th3 tension had to be set with each hole. then you had to adjust the tension. This time I bought a Dewalt 788 . I just now got it paid for I got it on an interest free credit card from Home Depot. and as far as blades go do not buy them from the big box stores. And if you get off the line a little never mind it you will be the only one to notice. Hope you have better luck with your porter Cable. buy your blades from a catalogue either Olson or Flying Dutchman.



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