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I know a number of you have a Facebook page to promote your scroll work.  I thought it might be nice if we can cross-link to eachother.  That way we can build more "Likes" and boost rankings in search results.  It's also a great way to promote and support eachother.


  • Post a link to your Facebook Page here (not your personal FB profile, but your Page.  If you don't know the difference, check out this article).
  • Click "Like" for those who have posted here to show your support.
  • If you have a Facebook Page, be sure to "Like As Your Page" for folks who have posted their Page here.


Here's a tutorial on how to "Like" a Page as your Page:


Posted (edited)

Conditions of the witness protection program prohibit doing Facebook so I will just use this space to say to Travis and Clayton that I really, really LIKE your Facebook pages.  Way to go guys.  When do you have time to scroll?


Afterthought - problem solved, I will have my wife go on Facebook and do a "like"; she is not in the program so she is on Facebook.

Edited by Doug

Just 'Liked' all of the above - Although I'm still working on my page as well as the website.

Many thanks to all who 'Like' and if I miss anyone - just give me a shove and I'll head over to your page.



  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/tinkers-covecom/213980035293730?ref=br_rs


  Web: http://tinkers-cove.com/

  Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/119852665@N07/sets

  Blog: http://www.tinkers-cove.blogspot.co.uk/

  Google+: https://plus.google.com/116889113848166509988/about


Looking at the other Facebook pages just shows me I need to get off my you know what and and try and add some pazzazz to mine !!!  Thanks all for liking my page.



Nike ... love your animal portraits .. did you make the patterns ???


Hey Pete, that's a real nice Facebook page, your work is outstanding.  

Would you sharing where you got the HEART pattern you cut for the wedding present?

We are going to a wedding ceremony for two really nice young people who are attending seminary school and I think that cutting would be very nice for them.

Thanks Rick, I made that pattern using "Inkscape" after some help from Dan (smitty0312). Inkscape is a free download program. Getting the text to follow the curves is what took some patience....



There are many tutorials online, including right here; http://www.scrollsawvillage.com/articles.html/_/pattern-making/inkscape/


Get the program here. No virus, malware etc....



One comment I would like to make. I have intarsia and scrollng on my page and it the description I post the size and price. People are willing to pay the for the value of your work. Remember, you are most likely the only one that your followers know that has the ability to make these nice and unusual gifts. I recently did a promotion to get more people to see my page. I did not purchase a promotion but rather I figured word of mouth was a better way. I looked at the amount of likes that most of you are getting and so I am posting this to maybe help you to, who have Facebook pages to increase your sales.  First of all, I suggest that you add albums and more items. I decided to give away any piece they would like to have, just for 'liking' my page. I intended to run this promotion for two months but I was so overwhelmed by the amount of likes that I received that I cut it to one month instead. I am offering my intarsia pieces because they are the  highest priced items, as I thought that would attract the most people to me page. I try to add something to my page with at least one new item a week, of more it I have the time to do this. I was hoping in 2 months to increase my followers by maybe 50 new people but instead I received more than 300 this first day, That's right 300. I have been selling things at the rate of about $300 a month. I do not wish this to become something that causes me pressure to get things out and as a result lose the FUN of doing what I love doing, that being, working in my shop.  Oh, I also told anyone who would 'share' my page, I would give them an extra 5 entries to my drawing. I know have over 600 people in my drawing. One thing more I did was boost my prices so that it included the shipping.

     My suggestion is this......get as many items on your page as possible. Add albums if you do not already have them and get as many people as possible to see your page. My way may not be the best but I have experienced more than I had ever hoped for, at no cost to me than a little bit of wood and a little time. I will continue to add 'specials of the month' that coordinate with holidays, like Mother's Day and Valentine's Day, etc   Hope this helps someone who might be bewildered as to get things  moving from their page,





Great advice.  What's your page address?  I'd like to follow it (but I don't need in the drawing....save that for your potential customers).



   Thanks for your interest in my Facebook Page, I am really not interested in sharing it, just wanted to give others my experience and how I achieved some of my goals. My page isn't particularily anything special. I just found a way to make it work for me. I hope some of my ideas, might help others who wish to drum up a little extra money with their sights.  It is called. "self promotion". One needs to have variety of items, so as to attract people of different tastes and develope an potential customers by getting the shares and the likes so that every time you post a new item it is seen by many. I find that I often sell something that does not interest me in the least. I have sold most of my things within minutes or hours after I post it. Once in awhile I get inquiries about something and then nothing comes from it. That is oK with me because I really do not want to be really pressured to sell anything. I really only wish to create enough interest to buy my wood, blades, patterns, and other supplies. I hope you understand.





My wife made a page for me last night. It's not much. https://www.facebook.com/rustyscrollsaw.creation



Hi Rusty.  It looks like you set up a profile instead of a page.  A page is more for business, interests, groups and other types of promotions.  A profile is for an individual.  The advantage of a page is it allows anybody to follow your page without the user opening up their personal information.  For instance, if I friend the profile you made, and you accepted me, you'd have access to all my friends, my likes, my posts, and pretty much everything else.  And I would have access to all your info as well.  


Pages also have really nice analytics tools so you can see how many people view a post.  It also has a lot more flexibility, plus it is unlimited number of followers (profiles cap it at a 1000 or something like that.)

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