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The pictures aren't real great, but I made these 2 boxes. The star shaped one is in a scroll saw workbook that I have and the other one is the Easter egg that some one had shared with us on the other forum. I was disappointed in the lacker that I put on  them as the finish did not come out even so I may try the wood turners  finish to see if that will help any. Next time I'll try tung oil and then put on a finish or some sort of sealer. Enjoy the pictures.. Fay






I'm impressed and proud of your work here. Lots of skills needed to have them come out shining like a rose here.I don't know how you found the time with your injury, vacation and caring for mom plus the thrift store bouts,lol .Keep the great work coming!Very good job Fay ! :)


Thank you every one. Yesterday was Mom's last day with her theraphy and she is doing great on that. Her memory probably will not get any better, but yep, I do manage to find time to get some scrolling done. But not today as I did not get any sleep last night so will go right back to bed in a little bit. Just took the trash out to the roadside to be picked up and I'm dressed. Going to lie down and try to get a couple hours of sleep. I don't know  what kept me awake, but one thing I was so upset because my DVD player quit working and I brought over a bunch of movies to watch. It is a possibility that the DVD was dirty so that could cause the player to stop so will look into that later. Oh well back to bed and thank you all for the nice compliments on my boxes. I have another Easter egg box started but will put a sealer on it before any thing else. Have a great day   Fay


The bow on the first box was not part of the pattern It was the very first time I tried any compound cutting and it turned out real nice. I was so proud of doing that one. So it made the box look real nice and added a nice touch to it too. Fay

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