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Posted (edited)

THANKS TO mSN'S STA PATTERNS SEE MADE FO ME I CUT 0VER 300 STARS AND STILL MORE TO GO.8 PAGES CHOCK FULL OF 1" STARS SO FARpost-1607-0-04923700-1397616824_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-16520500-1397616839_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-94392600-1397616863_thumb.jpg I SEE NOW I'M MISSING ONE PHOTO ,GUESS I DIDNT  TAKE THE FIRST BATCH

Edited by amazingkevin

What happened, did you fall over and hit your head????????? I would go to the doctor straight away if your still seeing stars. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:   You must be star crazy Kevin. :lol: :lol: :lol:




Danny,The landlady left me for dead,probable doesn't believe im hurt as bad as i say ,and because i didn't go to the hospital like she suggested..I'm not going for surgery no way.i faint when i cut myself so waiting to get opened up i dont think i could make it throught it.We haven't talked since this happened in the 1st.of February :) .


Richard the exchange is better than a sharp stick in the eye as i'm not doing anything.The stars and the wood has motivated me to work on my outside shop set up which is going good.P.s. i didn't fall asleep cutting stars either!!! :)


Danny,He keeps bringing me wood to cut stars from! I know i've done 800 for him in the past few days.He puts them on wooden flags he makes out of white pine and aromatic red cedar about 30"long all different types of foliage. He's going to the USA' biggest craft show in Tennessee?soon and sells them for a hunf\dred to 125.00 a piece.Lat count he has 9 of them ,but it look like he going for broke and making as many as he can now thaty he has a star sup[plyer .The stars are 1/4" thick


I want to see a picture of your friends wood flags.

Especially since they sell for $100 +


Your good buddy, pal and fellow scroll sawyer  ---  Larry

Posted (edited)

FIRST VIDEO,LOL[attachment=10809:002.jpg]post-1607-0-50332800-1397794456_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-68384700-1397794471_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-39895300-1397794495_thumb.jpg WELL i tryd to upoad my video of me sawing stars but the attach files says i'm not allowed to upload this kind of file ,it's a gp file ,what ever that is from my camera phone???


Edited by amazingkevin

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