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John,  Welcome to Scroll Saw Village.

Glad you joined. How did the Michigan winter treat you?

Tell me...what saw did you get?

Please tour and add a little mix to our morning coffee gab fest.

The Coffee House is a great place to meet some of the more

uhhh... vocal members.


There are two things we really like here.....

1) Questions and pictures

2) Pictures and questions




Hi, From the west!

You will find that "sanity" here may be a liability; and you will be lonely if you possess that "trait??"


Many of these fine people actually are good at what they do. I claim (so far) the oldest working/original owner scrollsaw. A 1952 Craftsman that I bought new in 1953.


There dumb answers, not QUESTIONS! We all have done very stupid things and had to throw some sacrificial projects "shop gods". Do not worry when it happens.


Any help here someone will be able to give.


I buy clear packing tape and use it over almost every pattern (sometimes I use marker and put the pattern on the tape.


It comes off easy and acts a blade lubricant at the same time. Also hides minor "line misses".


Also make sure your "saw-station(nest) is very comfortable. Good seat-chair light -- Music(if so inclined ) -- wear the safety equipment suitable to the job. etc/..


There are many ways to make the saw-station more yours--SO DO IT!


Amazing Kevin is called "amazing "for good reasons he does marvelous work and has very good advice!


DO not be afraid to ask for patterns!


We do love to see(COPY) other peoples projects!


Welcome to the village John!

I was up in your area about a year ago. My fiancé is from the Valparaiso area and she took me up into Michigan to look at a CNC Router and see all the wonderful orchards. It is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL AREA!!!!! :luv:

As so many have said don’t be afraid to ask questions and PLEASE post pictures of your machine and the work that comes off of it. We LOVE to see other peoples work and remember the only person that knows you made a mistake is YOU. Everyone else just thinks that was the way it was supposed to be and will think it is beautiful. :D :D  


Thanks everyone for the warm welcome, I was surprised at my local carvers meeting tonight to find out how many of my fellow carvers own scroll saws and use them but don't share their works with the rest of the membership, I guess I will have to start a new trend if my new ex21 gets here like the dealer promised. As to my winter , it was brutal, one of the coldest in 100 years,I hope spring , springs soon.


:) Welcome friend,the village won't be the same without you!Stop in often to see what you would have missed.Haa ,lol i've had the time of my life on saws that were lacking lots.But they gave great experience I never would have gotten waiting for better.It sure made a difference having a quality saw after 6 years without a good one. Your interest in scrolling is going to skyrocket with all the friendly help were going to give you.We've been there ,done that so you don't have to waste time going about it the hard way.Machine repairs ,we can steer you to the best place to get the parts you need or tell you what's wrong with your machine.Show us some of your fire wood projects if you have any.we love laughs.In fact you'll have more fun than a barrel of monkeys in the village.everybody helps everybody here.The tea and coffee is always free too,sometimes there's buffet too!Travis the owner is our cheif cook and bottle washer so you won't have to look far for a clean cup to get your mud in in the morning coffee house. Ok  now show us how they scroll up michigan way.WELCOME! :)


Hello John,glad you found us. I'm Roy from Scotland. I'm sure you will learn a great deal here, If you have any problems just ask and someone somewhere will answer. We have folks from around the world here. Have a wander round the Village, see what's going on and you'll find loads of mesmerising work.

Some  words of warning John. Make sure you don't leave your car in Travis's reserved parking space, He's the head high cook and bottle washer. :lol:  :lol: . You'll no doubt make many friends here and there's never a dull moment with all the characters here. Who they are, you will find out in due course, watch out for Amazing Kevin though, he is the ring leader. As nice a bunch of Villagers you will ever come across. All you have to do now is come on in, have some fun and ENJOY yourself.

I'm retired John, that's why I can spend time writing this twaddle. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: .

Rob Roy. 


Hello John Welcome to the village Make your self at home but not to comfortable cause you have sawdust to make and designer kindling so as soon as that new baby arrives we hope to see pictures of its products. The folks here are great if you need anything just ask.



It don't look like I will be sawing on a new saw as promised, the dealer got an email stating delivery date pushed up to sometime in May.

At 73 years of age those are not words I like to hear. Haha


Ouch, that hurts.

I'll tell you what I'd do... search SSV for at least 6 patterns I want to cut.

Print them, prep my wood, attach the patterns and drill my holes.

Just a thought.



Only 6???????? I have at least that many prepped at all times ready to cut. Not to mention another dozen in my to do NEXT pile and notebooks full of to do patterns. Then there are all the patterns I have saved to a file in my computer. ;)


Now if I could just figure out how to spend some major time in front of my scroll saw. :sad:  :?  :cry: 


Only 6???????? I have at least that many prepped at all times ready to cut. Not to mention another dozen in my to do NEXT pile and notebooks full of to do patterns. Then there are all the patterns I have saved to a file in my computer. ;)


Now if I could just figure out how to spend some major time in front of my scroll saw. :sad::?:cry:

Ohhh man...I'm right there with you on that one - I've always got at least 7 or 8 going at once. It seems that as soon as I start one, I remember another that I'd love to cut...so I start another LOL

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