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I have been using the lifter on the upper arm on my DeWalt to hold it up when I move the blade. It works great. I went to lift the arm so I could move the blade and the arm wouldn't lift high enough. I didn't want to force it so I took the back cover off to see what was hanging up. I couldn't find anything wrong. I tightened a couple of things and put it back together. I started the saw and it runs more quiet now. I didn't really have any vibration to speak of before but I have even less now. I didn't even bolt it back down to the bench and cut my cross out with no problems. The best part is now the upper arm is stiff and will stay up on it's own without the lifter, just like the Excalibur does. Sorry for the long post I am just very happy with the changes to my saw and wanted to post this to let you know of the possibilities. 


I don't know if this is the same problem, but I find on occasion my arm won't lift quite high enough to get to the lifter. I have found that if I tap the foot switch, it moves the mechanism just enough to allow it to raise up. Don't know why it happens or why this works.


Yes it gets stuck in between so to speak and I find by tapping the switch it moves it just enough, Facing the machine on the left hand site the lower screw closest to the table if you tighten it you don't need a lever to hold the arm up but always make sure when you put the arm down that it is all the way down or your tension-er won't work also don't over tighten. 


As an ex aircraft mechanic I know that if there is something either loose or out of specification along the drivetrain that generally translates to vibration.  It could be anything from the screws that hold the motor to the frame to a slightly out of balance counterweight to a bearing that has some slop in how it works to something as simple as a bolt holding the upper arm in alignment not being tight enough ( also can be too tight ).  There are several good tutorials on maintenance and tune up of your saw.  I believe Rick Hutcheson has a good one on his site. Here is the link to it - http://www.scrollsaws.com/SawReviews/DewltTuneUp.htm 






I too have a time now and then when my  saw doesn't seem to want to life all the way and a quick 'on/off' takes care of it. It really hasn't bothered me much though. As far as tightening the back bolt goes, I have read that this will hold up the arm for you but I HAVE READ THAT DOING SO IS HARD ON THE BEARING AND NOT A GOOD IDEA.  I, like many others, just use a 2 X 4 about 10 inches long to hold up my saw arm and it works perfect for me and costs nothing





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