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I am new here but not new to scroll sawing. I lost all my tools a few years back in a nice divorce.........I am now able to get back to it starting alll new.....have to buy new tools and all....I had a 26 inch RBI and loved it..dont know what I will be geting this time but will be soon.........I will be here alot to learn more than I know.....which I have a lot to learn......thanks




I am new here but not new to scroll sawing. I lost all my tools a few years back in a nice divorce.........

Went thru one of those about a year and a half ago. Kept my woodworking equipment but would NEVER CALL IT NICE.

Welcome to the village. Hope you post pictures of your new saw and your work as it rolls off the saw.


Well you lost all you had but still have the knowledge You'll be up and running soon enough .We'll be here waiting on your project to shoiw up./In the mean time there's free coffee and such every morning in the coffee house,You can even make breakfast for us if you like.I burn the water and boil the toast so they look else where for vittles .Jump on in and make some friends !WELCOME! :)


Duane, I lost my scroll saw also but I think if I keep digging,

I'll find mine.     



We create a lot of sawdust here at the Village.

Waiting to see some of yours.




Larry, that is really funny.. looks like you need to get a sawdust burning stove for your shop.. :lol:



   Welcome to 'The Village', world wide family. I hope that you take time to explore all the nooks and crannies here and log on often. You will shortly find that you have a lot of new friends here, if you do. That is a nice saw you had. I have seen some really great buys on that saw on Craigslist and most are selling for around $300. Check it out. Good to have you here.






Hi Duane, welcome to the Village.  I'm Marg from Australia.  Sorry to hear of your loss,  your tools that is.  I am sure you will choose the right saw for you when the the time is right.




Thanks everybody........I have been looking on craigs list and nothing close enough to me yet........may have to run over to Rockwall and get one from Seyco.......It will be a slow start for I am starting from scratch.....no tools, no patterns, maybe this time I will do better.....LOL   Looking forward to being here..... :)


:) I orderd my saw today............got me a EX- 21 from Seyco........can not wait to saw some wood............ :cool:

Uhho, now I think you're serious.

Have you got blades, a stack of wood, some patterns printed out?


saw wont be here untill next week.........have all weekend to come up with some wood......have to get the shop in order....that will take a day or so to get ready........have to get rid of some junk in there......been useing it as a storage shed.....I will take a few pics of shop and post them when i get it cleaned out and ready....... :cool:


Well thought I would give a update on progress ..............I am still running plugs and finishing my electrical......should be done this weekend........Bringing in tools.......and setting up the new ex21....can't wait to get it out of the box..........i will post pics ........I know you guys like pics........


well ....i picked up wood from my nephew.....he makes some awesome bowls.........got my ex21 up and running........have all the lights hung and working......have to hook up exhaust fan and three more outlets...........have gotten just about all the tools hung on peg board and in the shop........missing a drill press.......hey but the good thing is it is getting done........ :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

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