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Those turned out great. I must admit, I'm still a felt guy. But now I see the spray painted ones, perhaps I'll give it a go. It would be really cool with a gradient too. Or use a sheet of paper to make a star burst behind it. Lots of possibilities with sprayed backers. Thanks for showing us! Now you got my wheels turning... :roll:


Like Travis, I'm still a big fan of the felt backer, only because of the bit of texture it gives. Luckily they sell it in all sorts of colors. I have thought of printing onto card stock to use as backers as well instead of spray painting. You could actually create the gradient or starburst as a layer on the pattern itself so you could tailor individual areas of the backer to the image. Then just print the layer by itself. Hmmm, if I ever manage to get near my saw again I'm going to have to try that.



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