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I can tell the force was with you when you cut this one! :)  I could set and watch star wars all day long and into the night and Yoda is one of my favorite characters. Great job and Thanks for sharing. :thumbs: :thumbs:  :thumbs:  

Now my only question is: Did you use your light saber to burn the edges or a torch like us common folks? ;)  ;) 


Thanks I'm very glad all of you like it.Thank you for all the kind words.They do mean a lot.And to answer your question Danny I don't burn.that's they way may plaques turn out 90% of the time.I use White pine.after cutting.I hand sand with the grain,the I use Golden Oak stain,I dip it in a big cake pan.90% it comes out looking like it's been burnt. :oops::)

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