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Thank you Grampa for this pattern.

I think the wood is Ash. The trim with the cribbage is 1/8 Cherry luaun.

The size is 10 1/2  x 10  1/2 inches.

Finished with Lacquer.

I added it to my albumn. 

This is one of my favorite cuts. Even with all the mistakes  I  know about.

I do so enjoy when I finish a scroll.






Pete, DW and all who would like round cribbage pattern.

Here's what I will do.

I have no template. I have a 'very' poor pattern that needs to be clean up.

I found a very small picture and kept enlarging it until I got the size I needed.

Problem is that when you enlarge some patterns, the circles become like crystals.

No real shape.

I will made this a priority project to see if I can, using a black marker, make the

pattern more useable. and provide it to all.

Actually what would be nice is to ... got to explain here

There are 24 sets of 5 holes = 120 holes around the circle per player.

as you look at the board above, there is about 3+ inches of unused space

at the bottom. Need to spread the holes further apart. Enlarging the pattern enlarges everything.

Enlarging any more won't work.

Though 'you' cannot tell, the holes are toooooooo close together.

I screwed up once and that is why there is a cherry boarder on top.

It covers the bad holes first drilled so I could try again.

I want a good pattern also. I will do what I can and will be back with something. MAYBE

I could say more...thats enough


I love that project and will have to make some of these for myself and my family. I have to admit thou I plan on cheating on the hole pattern. I am going to lay it out in my Cad/cam software and drill the holes with a CNC mill. At the very least I will make a template with the mill.

I have one question. Do you have spaces to mark the skunk and double skunk areas? I don’t remember where they are supposed to be. I may have to find a board and count out the number of holes in each area.


I love that project and will have to make some of these for myself and my family. I have to admit thou I plan on cheating on the hole pattern. I am going to lay it out in my Cad/cam software and drill the holes with a CNC mill. At the very least I will make a template with the mill.

I have one question. Do you have spaces to mark the skunk and double skunk areas? I don’t remember where they are supposed to be. I may have to find a board and count out the number of holes in each area.

Danny, what is the skunk and double skunk areas? 

All holes in this pattern are the start, count and end holes

You may be a solution to a problem.

I was prepaired to post my pattern but the pattern has problems I cannot fix.

Here are the details:

Most Standard cribbage pegs require an 1/8 hole

Ergo...All holes should be drilled with 1/8 bit.

All holes should be 1/8 inch apart all sides, front/back right/left.

All 5 hole groups should be 1/4 inch apart.


My pattern does not meet these standards

But there is room for expansion at the bottom of the pattern where there is 5 inches of free space..

I do not have ability to expand the pattern to the correct dimension.

This was a copy from 'How to Play' book that I enlarged.


I will not post the pattern until I hear from you that you can or cannot enhance it.


It's a gorgeous crib board, who wouldn't want one just like it? I do have an issue with it and the new pattern that Danny has supplied, it's a small issue, but, for me it's an issue. The holes are in reverse of what they should be, you don't play crib by counting down backwards or counter clockwise, you play your pins in a clockwise motion. It's an easy fix, all you have to do is reverse the pattern Paul and Danny has provided.



It's a gorgeous crib board, who wouldn't want one just like it? I do have an issue with it and the new pattern that Danny has supplied, it's a small issue, but, for me it's an issue. The holes are in reverse of what they should be, you don't play crib by counting down backwards or counter clockwise, you play your pins in a clockwise motion. It's an easy fix, all you have to do is reverse the pattern Paul and Danny has provided.


Your right I missed that one. I will fix it and repost the pattern


It's a gorgeous crib board, who wouldn't want one just like it? I do have an issue with it and the new pattern that Danny has supplied, it's a small issue, but, for me it's an issue. The holes are in reverse of what they should be, you don't play crib by counting down backwards or counter clockwise, you play your pins in a clockwise motion. It's an easy fix, all you have to do is reverse the pattern Paul and Danny has provided.


Len, there are two solutions, maybe three at least.  

1) print mirror image

2) use scissors and tape. cut and move the start and finish holes.

3) Whiteout and a black marker.

  Maybe it will be modified... I don't want to use the word 'fixed' cause it ain't broke.

Anyway. I appreciate very much the compliment from you. Makes me feel good.


That is one awesome cribbage board, work was executed very well, and one last thing....... awesome talent!

 Thank you!!  I get an error when I click  'Like This'  I would 'Like' your comment but I must have liked too much.

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