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Ripple Vase

Fay Prozora

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It is another pattern that is in Carole Rothman's book on wooden bowls and I made this vase just for fun. I had a little trouble with the angles but was able to fix and save the project. When I scrolled at the 45 degree angle and got that part done I was shaking. I had never scrolled that steep of an angle before, but all in all I'm happy with this vase. I was so afraid that I was sanding a little too thin as I could see in the sunlight how thin the wood was getting, I got a nice vase out of it in spite of things. The wood is poplar and some of the scraps left over from the Noah's Ark project that I did... Enjoy   Fay


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Thank you every one. It was so much fun to make and all those angles too. I found a cute guitar clock on Steve Good's site and I've got the guitar cut out and will make a box shaped like a guitar for it but not today. I have to go to Port Angeles and a cab will pick me up around  9 a.m. and I'll be back around 6 ish tonight. Have a great day    Fay

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