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this is a Steve Good pattern that I downloaded and printed some time back and I found it laying around the shop, so I decided, "What the heck" and cut it. My wife came into the shop and said that would go perfect with my hummingbird intarsia piece you made for me. So I ask her if I should try to colorize it because several people suggested that I might do that on the last item I put here a couple of days ago. So I took a crack at it. Not too awfully bad this time. Not one of my talents. What do you people think ? should I have just left it natural ? Looking for an honest answer on this. It could effect what I do in the future.






If I could do this anonymously, I would, but you asked for it.

LOL... just kidding.


Here's my thoughts. The painting on the flowers looks good.

But it makes the rest of it look unfinished.





A wonderful piece Dick, but like everyone else I find the overall piece unfinished I personally would varnish the whole thing including the flower and think that will pull the whole thing together. Right now your eyes are drawn directly to the flower not the birdies where there is real beauty so you need to take that away and by varnishing the whole thing it will pull it together. I would use a mat Varnish not glossy you don't want it to jump of the picture and bite you so keep it down with a nice flat tint. A great piece just the same Dick you did well Congratulations on a piece of art and give your wife a big hug for suggesting it


 Thank you all for your input. I really had a lot of the same feelings as I looked at this one. I am not too much for colorization done by me because I just am not very good at doing that. I agree with robbert100 on the flower, I too that it was truly the wrong flower for this piece. I thought the design on the flower was really well done by Steve Good, but not really appropriate for the hummingbird. I might try this again some time and try to improve on the colorization, as I call it. but to be honest with all of you, it just is something that I don't feel I have much skill in that phase of this art. I also think that a water color like the ones we used as kids for coloring books or a food color mixture might work better than the acrylic I used here. 


Thanks again for all your imput. I love the honesty, I asked for and the ideas that was already my thinking as I looked at it too.





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