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Been busy with spring issues ,did a little scrolling on replacement dock ,old one  ravaged by hard winter here ,Started new 3-D  project a four step .The pattern caught my eye ,may build a dust free dremel carving and sanding closure ,similar to a sand blasting closure only with vac.exit and lights to remove all the dust and send out side like my saw .I love the dremels ,but the dust even out side gets me ,so It maybe a while before I finish this one ,I'll be peeking in in the meantime ,there has been some very good stuff posted since I posted last .Later Carl





Love the idea of a dremil enclosed work area.I used to make sand blast encloseures that used water exclusively.Company's still in business in milwaukee"vapor blast"It even sharpened tools.Not only that ,your dremil enclosure is sound deadening for the neighbors too.Something i worry about with the dremil and router.Please keep us posted on the works of it .i'm curiose to see what you come up with :)


Kevin ,actually ,it is a pattern Buck posted in march for a fret work piece ,I didnot want to blame him if I screwed it up ,It just looked like I could change to a different format , but not to not give him credit for the excellent pattern , sorry Buck ,my intentions were honorable ,and if it worked out I would have given the credit where it is due . sorry for any misunderstandings ,but that was the reason .


Well ,the cabinet is about 7/8 complete , been going to the doc's every day this week ,so shop time greatly reduced ,should be able to try out tomorrow and see how well it works and the may get back on the actual project .test have reveiled ,blood flow problems ,wed next week their going in and find the problems ,the breathing trouble may be more blood flow trouble than lungs ,we shall see 22% percent ain't good and could explain a number of issues .on pins and needles till then ,so will concentrate on this to keep mind busy !Wish me luck !!

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