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7 points
Big thanks to all who posted great information this year
OCtoolguy and 4 others reacted to nrscroller for a topic
Hi all, Christmas is all about thankfulness, and I am a regular on here every day, even if it's just to see what is new. Everyone who posts here is doing something thankful to help all us others out. Maybe I don't use everything I find, but often have tried various things. I have been scrolling for over 30 years and there is always something new or new tip that pops up on the site. Merry Christmas to all of you here on the forums from nrscroller (Bill ) I am a great fan of Zach Sobiech who is paralized from sports and have read the book his mom wrote and my favorite saying is from him "USE WHAT YOU HAVE TO MAKE ANOTHER PERSON HAPPY AND JOY WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU">5 points -
Cubs plaques
Sam777 and 3 others reacted to Marshall Dillon for a topic
4 points -
Couple of Items
meflick and 3 others reacted to Sambluebird for a topic
4 points -
Frogs and Truck !
meflick and 2 others reacted to Scrolling Steve for a topic
The Frog is a Alex Fox pattern and the 66 Chevy step side pattern by Travis(TD Painter)...I stack cut the frogs in 1/8 BB,one with a green backer and one in black....The truck is cut from 1/4 ash and both were cut with 2/0 and 3/0 FD new spiral blades....Finished wit a 50/50 mix , Blo/MS.....Thanks for looking....Steve.3 points -
The shop is closed
Lucky2 and 2 others reacted to scrollerpete for a topic
Here are my last two pieces that was ordered for this year, now getting ready to go to Florida for 3 months. Dinosaurs is for my nephew and the chipmunk was a rush order, (person that bought the one I had in stock like it so much she wanted another one for Christmas present. Don't know why Dino is sideway3 points -
Making this for a Disney and Star Wars fan. Found the graphic on Google Images, and thought this might be the perfect fit for this person. I wasn't super familiar with the Star Wars symbol, but it came up all over the place in may searches, so evidently it is common amongst the fans. Those ears however, look very familiar :-) In a totally accidental happenstance, notice how In God we trust was in about the only place it could be, and still be completely visible. Not sure I could have done that on purpose. What do you think? ------Randy3 points
3 points
2 points
Not much scrolling in this one but a ot more painting. The only scrolling is the chair it' a Steve good pattern.18" long on the base and about a foot high. Made this one for a family member and posted it on Facebook mow got orders for 8 more hoots love Facebook. Also it' supposed to be "Will" not "Well" computer error lol but got it fixed up now. LOL2 points
Hello everyone!! I´m new here, and i want to start my posts with a Parchis project that made between my grandfather and I a few months ago. I´m from Spain, and Parchis is a traditional family game in here. I love Star Wars saga, so i decided to buy a thematic Parchis that has figures of the characters instead of common tokens. Because the details of the figures and the paperboard´s board, we wanted to level up the pack, so we started to do this side table kind from pine in which the players can sit around to play. We inked the pine in sapelly, and cutted the letters with the scroll saw. Also, the top is reversible, in order to allow six or four players. I hope you all like the result as much as we enjoy it!!!2 points
Soaring Eagle Intarsia
GrampaJim and one other reacted to Pictures in wood for a topic
2 points -
Mini Reindeer
Sam777 and one other reacted to Sycamore67 for a topic
I normally make some of the compound cut Reindeer as ornaments and gifts for Christmas. They are typically about 2" tall. As I was doing this, I wondered if I could cut some smaller ones and this is what I ended up with. The Reindeer are about 3/4" Tall and cut from Sycamore using a FD #1 Polar blade. The plan is to turn them into earrings.2 points -
Everything Doesn't Translate
frankorona and one other reacted to hotshot for a topic
2 points -
How to create a pattern from a photo
OCtoolguy and one other reacted to WayneMahler for a topic
Thanks for the comments Frank. I do them all from scratch. Some I use inkscape for. Travis has a tutorial on here on how to do them. You can find the links here . For others I use Corel Draw .2 points -
Hi Len: Imagine what the cat is saying about you... I think he/she rocks... Fab42 points
Oh Len it's lovely. Love its markings. Marg2 points
Also consider the fact that while the Delta is supposedly the same saw .. is the fact that they don't hold much of a resale value.. take a look at all the used Deltas prices.. and then the supposed same saw in a different color ( DeWalt) .. A used 10+ year old DeWalt brings in about as much $$ as what the saw sold new for way back then...The new Delta DeWalt clones.. often times won't bring $150 used.. There has been one on eBay that had been relisted 4 times at $150 and it looked barely used.. Had that been yellow.. people would have been all over that like fly's on poop, LOL2 points
One Happy Snowman.......Happy Holidays
Kriss63 reacted to smitty0312 for a topic
1 point -
Flower Power
Kriss63 reacted to barb.j.enders for a topic
1 point -
Well I thought I would try doing letters. I used this pattern from Steve Good's site. It is done with 1/4" birch and the backing was made from old pieces of pallets I had laying around. The backer was stained with one quick coat and wiped off immediately to give the appearance of weathered wood. I finished it with spray gloss lacquer, not sure it shows in the picture or not. I noticed after I placed the letters that I was off on my squareness but oh well I think it still turned out pretty good.1 point
1 point
found time to scroll inspite of all
bobscroll reacted to amazingkevin for a topic
Somethings always demanding my time and hate it.i shut off all the doctors ,told the rx store to sync my prescriptions so i can come once a month .Refuse to answer my health insurance ,as it's always a hour or more of bs.io pick up my mail once a week.but so many people think i'm home depot and need this and that.for me to find what they need makes it more of a death trap in here for me.but i found time to cut some teak1 point -
What I enjoy most about my hobby is the uniqueness of projects the I get request for. This one took a while for this old brain to figure out how I was going of make it. Each side I made out of 1/8" Baltic Birch...........cut the script into them and glued them to 1/2" and scrolled through the whole thing.1 point
Dave, looks great, super way to get it done. jim penquin1 point
What I like most about this hobby, is learning how to do these beautiful, unique items from people like Dave Monk and others. That is very well done.1 point
Nice work thanks for sharing1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
When i first started i bought a ryobi saw off of ebay with free overnight shipping. It was like $50. The shipping alone was probably more than that. It shoed up the next day right on schedule. I saw it had a home depot sticker on it like it was a return but it was brand new. I used it for about a month and a piece broke off on it. No way to order that piece so I figured I would pack it back up and see what home depot would do about it. Worth a shot anyway. Told them it was a gift. They exchange it for me to my surprsie so now I not only had a new one, I had a receipt for it. That one also broke in the same area after about a month so back I went. This time they carried them but had delta shopmaster instead so they exchange me for that. I used that saw for years and really liked it, not the best but did the job. One day I was looking at craigslist and a guy had just posted a dewalt for $135. Went and bought it the next morning, brand new, still had the coating on the table top and the original blade in it. So i have spent not even $200 for my saws and have been doing this for like 15 years. not bad. Hoping to stumble into a hegner this same way but of course, after 15 years still waiting for that to happen.1 point
I can only echo the above, but love the quote you added on the bottom. I give away everything I make to family, friends, Stephan Ministry at Church (To be given to the people that come to them for Comfort) and to retirement centers. The appreciation & hugs make it worthwhile. Also heard the comment, "You have no idea how many lives you have touched". jerry1 point
A Friendly FYI: Our oldest son has a computer tech company. He told me years ago never, NEVER to click on something like "Click Here". You have no idea what kind of virus you might have just clicked on. I delete e-mails that say "Click Here". If I see a subject I might be interested in, I type it into Google. Sometimes our anti virus protection will put an arrow by one of the options. Also, most sites start out, "http: etc, etc. If you see "https, the "s" stands for secure. That doesn't mean it's 100% OK, but it's definitely better. jerry1 point
Thanks for the link Wayne1 point
Frogs and Truck !
Scrolling Steve reacted to DWSUDEKUM for a topic
Nicely done Steve. I like the green background for the frog. Thanks for sharing them with us. DW1 point -
You may say you are not good at portrait but boy you bang out cracking signs Wayne tell me do you use a template for the sign then add the writing inside it puzzles me how you add the 2nd set of lettering over it it makes my brain hurt trying to figure it out to try it so thought I would ask1 point
A little bit but as it goes the width of the piece it is ok I managed to sand it ok with care around that area I did draw it wider when I was cutting but it did not look right so stuck to the way Steve made it and it worked1 point
found time to scroll inspite of all
blights69 reacted to amazingkevin for a topic
Your probably right but I'm overwhelmed with time wasters,i waste enough on my own,lol1 point -
found time to scroll inspite of all
lawson56 reacted to amazingkevin for a topic
thanks Bobby.No matter what i do ,meds, alcohol,food .It will put me to sleep for 1 hour and i'm up and at em again.I don't understand it?I love to sleep but it just doesn't last?1 point -
Having spent several years in Texas, If I had to flee my Minnesota Swedish paradise, Texas would be my destination. Love your projects!! Well Done!! "Don't piss on my boots and tell me it's raining........."1 point
Just saw this Delta saw on eBay. New, free shipping.
OCtoolguy reacted to Woodmaster1 for a topic
I have the Delta and it has been a great saw for me with no issues. I don't foresee any major problems unless I misuse the saw. I ordered extra blade clamp screws and got them in less than a week. At the price they are going for it is cheaper to buy a new one than replacing parts.1 point -
Nicely done Frank, the stack would be a bit fragile wouldn't it? Len1 point
How to make a lighted box???
Kris Martinson reacted to Brianr24 for a topic
All the suggestions here are good and will work. The simplest suggestion I can come up with would be edge band two of the panels so the ply doesn't show and pocket screw together. 45 ing the whole thing together is also good but not easy to get a perfect fit if I were going that rout I would do that before the scrolling this way u don't screw up a finished piece. Good luck.1 point -
Cuz dewalt thinks there fancy yellow paint is worth more. As you can guess I am not a fan of dewalt. They sell a good tool but way overprice for the level of quality . in other words terrible value. I never owned there scroll saw my opinion is based on being in construction for 25 years. Just my two cents.1 point
Pigma Micron pens will do the job. WalMArt has them on their website - don't know about the stores. Michael's, Hobby Lobby, and JoAnn's should have. Bought mine at Michael's. https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=black+micron+pen&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=174263046953&hvpos=1t1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15514013717601503630&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010843&hvtargid=kwd-3771046245&ref=pd_sl_9fl5paz7lq_b bb1 point
All the answers
GPscroller reacted to amazingkevin for a topic
Boy i wish i could find some more maple these look great !1 point -
Pen to mark wood ornaments without bleeding
Lucky2 reacted to NC Scroller for a topic
India Ink pens like this: https://www.amazon.com/Pitt-Artist-Pen-Black-Fine/dp/B00OQFR0OE/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1512089398&sr=8-12&keywords=india+ink+pens1 point -
How to make a lighted box???
Lucky2 reacted to JTTHECLOCKMAN for a topic
Not knowing your woodworking abilities or the tools you have at your access it is very hard to suggest things. But a simple suggestion other than doing a google search, I suggest you treat it as a lamp shade. You need to make corners and I would suggest a solid dark colored wood such as walnut. Cut slots in it so that the panels slip in them. Or you could miter the ends 45 degrees and glue together that way. Then you need to use some metal so that it hangs over the bulb depending on the lamp. I warn and warn you with all good intentions fires from material such as wood is no joke. You may want to look into some sort of LED lighting system and make it into a box and install a string of low voltage low wattage lights. Good luck All I can and all I would say. Too hazardous for me. This is the reason I do not sell toys or anything electrical.1 point