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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2019 in all areas

  1. edward

    Dodge Ram

    Finished yesterday Dodge Ram, pattern from Sam Custodio.
    10 points
  2. John B

    Put it back!

    A sign I made for my neighbour a few years ago. He restores old motors. Has some beauties. If I can find some pics of them I'll post them Anyhow enjoy and I will post the patterns to so if you want to make use of them feel free to do so.
    10 points
  3. baggetta

    Take The Plunge

    My Free pattern for today is aimed at an important occupation. Lots of plumbers out there who might enjoy this sign. I cut mine from plain ol' pine, but to dress it up a bit I cut an improvised base of cherry. Fairly easy to cut, so take the plunge. The pattern is available in PDF on my FREE PATTERN page
    6 points
  4. Here's another pattern just in time for Easter. Cut from birch ply and mounted on layered custom base. Pattern is free on my FREE PATTERNS PAGE.
    4 points
  5. I recently purchased one of the cheap Lasers on Ebay and paid about $80 for it. It will Laser a JPG image about 2" x 2". I wanted to try it out on a project so made a box to hold the puzzles of the Dragon called Hie designed by Judy Peterson. The box is made of 5/16" oak with the corners mitered using a hand plane and shooting board. The top and bottom are 1/8' BB and I lasered a copy of the puzzle on the top and a small Handcrafted by on the bottom. I made two puzzles with one being quarter sawn Sycamore and the other Aspen dyed red. The puzzle pieces are fully interchangeable.
    4 points
  6. Bill WIlson

    Hold Down Foot

    Which is why I didn't throw it away. I might not ever use it. I might not even know where it is. But, I know I still have it.
    4 points
  7. Hello all! I’m Jen, from Manitoba, Canada. As the title says I hurt my back last year and was limited to what I could do. So I bought myself a Rikon 10–600vs on a whim. Had someone carry it in the garage for me and started scrolling. 10minutes in and it quit working all together. I took a the saw apart and found that a bolt had come loose, so I put it all back together and went back to scrolling only to figure out that my saw was a dud. Rikon ended up replacing it now questions asked after I sent a video of it running. While waiting for it to be replace I purchased a used Dewalt and have enjoyed using it. However now it has the knock of death as I like to call it. So I’m looking to upgrade again. I’ll be buying new this time. I’ve always been into woodworking so scrolling was a natural progression. I’m happy that I hurt my back last year because it’s opened up a revenue source for myself that I didn’t know was possible. Here’s a few of the projects I completed last year fall/early winter. Now that winters finished and it’s not so incredibly cold outside I can get back to scrolling!
    3 points
  8. woodduck

    Essex Super 6

    This is number 9 that I have made for my best customer, It is 14.5 inches x 9 inches & was cut with 3/0 new spirals & No 1 ultra reverse blades. I really like the way this one turned out. Cheers Peter P.S the pattern is by Noel from the Scrollers Cafe.
    3 points
  9. lew


    My youngest daughter's dog Charlie!! A very simple cutting....but she will be excited!! Looks crooked on the backing....but only because I shot the pic at a bad angle.....sorry!!!
    3 points
  10. NC Scroller

    Hold Down Foot

    The only saw I use that still has the hold down is the one my club owns. We use it for demos and teaching. The only real purpose to keeping them is to keep the lawyers and insurance company happy. There is an old scrollers joke I once heard. I will spare you most of it but the punch line goes something like this: " Yes, I cut did cut my finger off with my scroll saw and I only had to change blades 3 times."
    3 points
  11. Well after talking to Dick( Hepenguy) he talked me into doing this clock tower which I thought was way beyond my scrolling talent. I would of never have been able to do this without all his help and guidance. I couldn't even get started with the pattern, it was so confusing. WE sent a lot of emails and we also talked on the phone. He gave me a lot of tips. I just want to give a big shoutout to Dick and for all his help in getting me to finish this. I haven't figured out how i'm going to put a finish on this or what type of finish I should do. Any tips would sure help. There's a lot of nooks and cranies. Thanks again Dick.
    2 points
  12. I can't answer what the intended designer's reason for the design was but, I think it's much easier than counter-sinking holes and screwing things together. I also agree with fredfret's answer that you have a choice of base or hanging the project. God Bless! Spirithorse
    2 points
  13. Maybe the design was made to allow hanging as well as mounted to a base.
    2 points
  14. I think I will go the drill press route. I need to so little sanding of that sort I really don't want to use the bench space. I could store it under a bench somewhere but do not relish picking it up again with my back. Thank you for all the input. You all have made me see the light!
    2 points
  15. I did this, .. I lost my mare a couple of years back and I've never quite got over it. This piece reminded me of her so I cut it. She roamed free in the garden and was a sweet thing and absolutely loved playing with my grandchildren and my puppies, I'll never forget her.
    2 points
  16. I'll jump in. This project is a grasshopper pull toy I made several years ago. It was a big hit with the kids that got it. Primarily, it was a bandsaw - drill press project. The wheels cut with a hole saw. The axles, 1/4" dowel stock. The joints for the legs, eyes and ends of the antennas were all from a craft store. The antennas themselves were electrical wire left at the garage when we purchased the house 32 years ago. The concept was from a woodworker on another site. I'm sure there will be some great items from the intarsia, segmentation folks.
    2 points
  17. This is the Laser I bought on eBay.
    2 points
  18. heppnerguy

    had an order

    I had a friend of a friend contact me about custom making a sign for their friend who was moving into a new home. It is in the desert and they were interested in making a desert plaque for them. I had her pick a basic design from a couple of links I sent to her and then I added the names and saying she wanted on it. I decided to raise the middle of the plaque to add some interest so I cut it at 4 degrees and painted it and glued it in place. Afterwards I added the basic design and finished it. I used 1/4 inch BB Ply and cut it with #3 reverse tooth Pegas Blade. I mailed it to her today and she replied that she was very excited about it. I hope that she is when she sees it. I liked it myself, but that part really doesn't matter, except to me. Dick heppnerguy
    2 points
  19. jerry1939

    Hold Down Foot

    What is this strange "Hold Down Foot" of which you folks speak? Mine goes out with the box the saw was shipped in. jerry
    2 points
  20. John B

    Recent ones

    https://www.facebook.com/pg/Custom-wood-portraits-2014208635313681/photos/?ref=page_internal This is the link. He sure does some nice patterns and is very prolific. @Foxfold
    2 points
  21. crupiea

    Hold Down Foot

    I used mine probably longer than most did. Once i finally got sick of it I realized that I did not need it.
    2 points
  22. kmmcrafts

    Dust Mask??

    Well I put the new strap on my mask today and what a difference.. Maybe the cause of the sinus issues I had going on a while back.. That old strap got weak over time an I never really realized how bad it was until I put that new one on.. WOW... not smelling the oak anymore.. had I not cut all this Oak I probably wouldn't have even realized it wasn't sealing the mask on my face very well.. They had black.. which was a plus.. can't imagine how dirty that white one would look in a few hours use.. I bought the larger roll they had and I believe there's enough to replace again..
    2 points
  23. OCtoolguy

    Sloan's Woodshop

    I have never had the pleasure of doing business with them but I do know that cancer is the most hideous, depicable thing I can think of. It has taken so many good folks way before their time. Such a shame we can't put more resources toward finding a cure and/or a prevention. Somehow, I personally think that they will find many cures in the world of cannibis. I keep hearing about all the success stories of CBD oil and even the Feds have approved it for people who have seizures. I hope this lady is successful in her battle of the dreaded disease.
    2 points
  24. wombatie

    Hold Down Foot

    My DeWalt - off and in a drawer somewhere. My EX21 - still on but on the side to the top, used to hold onto when I bring the arm down. Mainly there in case my granddaughter wants to have a go. Marg
    2 points
  25. Hello All.... My name is Ed and I am from Bucks County, PA, close to Doylestown if anyone knows the area. I used to do scrollsaw work for fun before I started a family. Once I got married and had kids, that was put on hold. So now that they are older and in college....I am slowly getting back into it. Looking through the forums, wow you guys and gals are talented!! I look forward to being a contributing member of this community I work in the Clinical Research field within IT and sit at a desk all day.....so this is another reason getting back into the hobby. Been working on losing my winter weight since '91 HAHA Thank you and hope everyone has a great day!! I look forward to your inspirations!! Ed
    1 point

    Hold Down Foot

    Same here Bill. Have 4 saws so have 4 of them somewhere taking up valuable real estate.
    1 point
  27. baggetta


    Great job. Nothing like a dog named Charlie.
    1 point
  28. Woodrush

    Hold Down Foot

    I've never used it. Even when I first started I tried it once then threw it in the garbage
    1 point
  29. MrsN

    HF Oscillating Sander

    I had a similar model spindle sander, I believe it was the Menards brand. but it might have been from Home Depot. Either way, it was the cheapest model I could find. I also have had several delta versions in my school shops. I absolutely loved my cheap one at home. I used it a lot. I liked that it was a bit less aggressive than my belt or disc sanders so I was a bit more comfortable with small pieces. I was making a lot of jewelry at the time and had lots of small pieces. I got rid of it in one of my recent downsizing moves, and it is the only thing that I regret getting rid of.
    1 point
  30. lew

    Another Inlay.

    That's beautiful!! A total work of art!!!
    1 point
  31. Hi Paul, it's around 22 inches tall and about 18 wide. and 6 inches deep. Hope that helps. Right now I have mine sitting in the middle of my dining room table.
    1 point
  32. Woodmaster1

    Hold Down Foot

    Took mine off as soon as I could. It's in a drawer with the original blade chucks and parts from other machines changed out to improve the machines.
    1 point
  33. John B

    Recent ones

    I think I owe you thanks mate. I had seen some of his patterns, but couldn't find a repository. Funny thing he's a neighbour only about 650kms away
    1 point
  34. Rockytime

    Essex Super 6

    Love the classics and you nailed it!
    1 point
  35. GPscroller

    Essex Super 6

    Beautiful pattern and cutting! Jeff
    1 point
  36. Dave Monk


    Great job Lew. I'm sure your daughter will love it.
    1 point
  37. Sycamore67

    Dust Mask??

    I use a N100 particulate mask. These are disposable masks, very light but are very good. We used them at work where we had toxic dust. We went thru standard fitting and testing to make certain they worked properly.
    1 point
  38. Sycamore67

    Hold Down Foot

    I have never used the hold down foot.
    1 point
  39. spirithorse

    Another Inlay.

    Fantastic work, Dave, You really amaze me with your talents! Thanks for sharing and God Bless! Spirithorse
    1 point
  40. amazingkevin

    Essex Super 6

    What a touring car to toddle around town in and then out to the country for a picnic!!! so nice to see your skills in this gem!!!
    1 point
  41. amazingkevin

    Another Inlay.

    Your at the top of your class from day one!!
    1 point
  42. heppnerguy

    Hold Down Foot

    GONE. THEY ARE JUST IN THE WAY. Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  43. MTCowpoke22

    Essex Super 6

    Beautiful Car, Great cutting!
    1 point
  44. GPscroller

    Recent ones

    Brenda, he has a site on FaceBook where all of his patterns are posted. Have been trying to copy and paste the link for you but am not having much luck. It is called Custom wood portraits. Hope this helps. Jeff
    1 point
  45. John B

    Hold Down Foot

    I think I probably have about 3 or 4 under my bench somewhere. About as useless as a hip pocket in a singlet
    1 point
  46. OCtoolguy

    Hold Down Foot

    Take the warning labels off of everything. Let the gene pool sort itself out.
    1 point
  47. kmmcrafts

    Hold Down Foot

    I'm guessing but, I bet they are required to have it on there when sold new.. Probably some idiot scratched their finger or the wood started bouncing and pinched their finger.. and thus.. a safety device was invented and required to be on any new machine.. Now.. to me it's more of a safety hazard on there than off.. but that's just me... gotta remember.. they have some real dumb people in this world.. since they now have to mark coffee cups with Caution Hot now days.. warning labels and caution signs all over the place these days.. Surprised they don't have a warning to not change the tire on a car while it's in motion, LOL
    1 point
  48. JimErn

    Hold Down Foot

    ROFLMAO, I had to stop and think what you were talking about, gone like a greyhound The one on the bottom of the Ex is gone too
    1 point
  49. kmmcrafts

    2nd Amendment

    I did some practice cutting text again.. fun project from Sheila Landry's website.. I cut this from 1/8" BB ply stacked three.. then the backers are 1/4" Walnut ply with solid walnut strips in the back to hold all together.. I have a few other patterns of these type plaques they have on their site.. probably take a short break on cutting text though.. and I have to cut the 36 Ford pickup that Jim made a pattern for me anyway.. This measures about 18" tall x about 15 wide if I remember correct.. Cut this on the Hawk 226 Ultra.. ( Pegas MG #3) was cut before getting my new Hawk.. actually cut for a while.. just gluing the backer and assembling took almost as long as the cutting..LOL
    1 point
  50. I got mine from D&D and love it.
    1 point
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