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  1. flarud



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2019 in all areas

  1. JimErn

    3 firsts

    First box First Inlay First flocking ( the top is the same size as the bottom, just camera perspective makes it look like that)
    11 points
  2. Dad_Tech77

    First Sign

    Hi All This is the first sign that I have ever created. This is a surprise gift for a family member. Just wanted to share 24" x 14", rustic hardwood with 5 coats of gloss polycrylic Have a great day! Ed
    11 points
  3. woodduck


    A recent one that I did .It is a pattern by Trapper for my very good customer.
    10 points
  4. Latest project. This one might be a personal favorite.
    9 points
  5. Rockytime

    TDpainter design

    TDpainter created this pattern some time ago. Things kept getting in my way but I finally got it cut. Very nice pattern. Thank you TD. 3/16 Luan, Pegas 2/0 blade. To be finished with 50/50 BLO and framed.
    9 points
  6. flarud

    A couple of Angels

    Haven't done much cutting lately. Just finished installing new kitchen cabinets and counter tops. That will take up a whole lot of your time,, and money! I made one of these earlier this year for a neighbor to give to his church. Showed some people the pic of it and a guy at work wanted 2. Baltic Birch plywood on a piece of Walnut.
    8 points
  7. flarud

    Word Art Sign

    Thanks to bobscroll for some awesome patterns! I made this out of some leftover flooring just to see how it would turn out. I plan to make several of these signs of my hometown (this sign), my current home town and everyplace my wife and I have vacationed. I will hang them up out on my back porch up on a big Cypress beam that goes clear around the porch. I probably won't use this flooring material, too hard to cut for one and not weatherproof. Although the area that I will hang them is out of the direct elements. I will probably use Cedar. Thanks again, Bob!
    7 points
  8. These were real popular years ago.. was going through inventory and ran across them.. Use to sell them on my website but then when I shut the site down they never made it to any of the other sites.. Guess I better get them up for grabs again.. Amazing how many projects I've made that either never made it to the websites or I move websites around and never get them all back online... Anywaythese was one of my favorite to make.. and sell.. somehow they got lost with my A.D.D. Pink for girls and blue for boy... also did green for neutral not pictured These are cut from 1/4" BB ply and I used a foam sheet backer and then screwed small screws in to hold the sawtooth hanger..
    5 points
  9. flarud

    A couple of Angels

    Haven't done much cutting lately. Just finished installing new kitchen cabinets and counter tops. That will take up a whole lot of your time,, and money! I made one of these earlier this year for a neighbor to give to his church. Showed some people the pic of it and a guy at work wanted 2. Baltic Birch plywood on a piece of Walnut.
    4 points
  10. 3 points
  11. barb.j.enders

    Another sign

    From the same day as trying my hand at sign making. Plywood on cedar. MG#3 blade. Just have to put the finish on it. Planing to use spar finish.
    3 points
  12. Latest project
    2 points
  13. Travis

    Pattern Maker?

    Lovely design. I really like it. I don't recommend copying it, though. Someone worked hard on that design. I'd hate if they lost a sale, or a visit to their website. I've had scrollers lift patterns from my cuttings before, too. It is really discouraging and easy to understand why we lose so many wonderful designers. Hopefully you can track down the designer to find the official pattern, or find a similar design. Or perhaps it will inspire your own design. Good luck!
    2 points
  14. innar20

    The "Queen"

    Another H. Botas pattern.
    1 point
  15. Was looking for a gemini 8 patch logo and stumbled upon Nasa's website with all sorts of logos. Obviously respect copyright laws and such and have to make your own patterns but the possibilities are limitless!! https://images.nasa.gov/search-results?q=&keywords=LOGO&page=1&media=image,video,audio&yearStart=1920&yearEnd=2019
    1 point
  16. dgman

    Unusual blade question

    I suspect spiral blades are twisted before they are hardened. If you twist a flat blade, it will probably weaken it and fail prematurely. I don’t know this for a fact. Try it at your own risk.
    1 point
  17. Rockytime

    Scammers Alert

    Could you possibly use it as a rental?
    1 point
  18. HUH? Never heard that one.
    1 point
  19. crupiea

    Scammers Alert

    How much?
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. kmmcrafts

    3 firsts

    Very nice work Jim... I love to make boxes.. but somehow got trapped into always doing fretwork.. I don't some bandsaw boxes a couple years ago.. My issue is storage.. Boxes take a lot of space up compared to clocks and ornaments etc.. though they do seem to sell quite well..
    1 point
  22. oldhudson

    3 firsts

    Super nice job.
    1 point
  23. scrollerpete

    3 firsts

    You just won First Prize also, excellent work
    1 point
  24. Woodrush

    3 firsts

    Very nice neat work
    1 point
  25. meflick

    3 firsts

    No Paul, that is its own little Country. Nice group of Firsts, Jim. Great looking work. Fun to make those boxes isn't it. I still need to try my first inlay. Thanks for showing yours.
    1 point
  26. Scrappile

    3 firsts

    Really a nice job on all three firsts. That is that little state down south,,, isn't it? I can't remember the name of it.
    1 point
  27. His estate may still have licensing and copyright, though. Tolkien is dead as well, but his descendants will not allow anyone to write any stories set in Tolkien's universe nor reference any characters. Their lawyers are fairly cutthroat, from what I've heard.
    1 point
  28. munzieb

    3 firsts

    Came out great! Like the contrasting sides and top and can't beat that Texas inlay. Nice job!
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I would get in touch with him (if you know the name, its easy to find a website or FB page, and shoot off an email or IM) and make sure you have his permission, first. If you sell stuff, y'all can hammer out those details too. But for art, I always try to find the artist first, unless its already knockoff of something else (Star Wars characters, LotR, etc).
    1 point
  31. flarud

    A couple of Angels

    Thanks! I got the pattern from Sue Mey's website.
    1 point
  32. I'm not sure what the rules are for sharing (for free of course) a pattern based upon a painting done by someone else. If someone in the know can enlighten me, I would appreciate it. I, myself, would never attempt to sell such a pattern but, maybe, it's OK if I give it away.
    1 point
  33. That is one, if not the, best explanation that I have seen on the subject of blades. Very simple, concise and informative. It should be a "sticky" here on SSV for all the folks who will ask this question in the future. Thanks for taking the time to put it all together.
    1 point
  34. daveww1

    Another sign

    very nice job
    1 point
  35. wombatie


    These are the last of these football plaques I have been working on. All the same half inch pine backs with 3mm ply fronts and some with white cardboard inserts. All the patterns are by Bobby @scrollriffic.
    1 point
  36. spirithorse

    Another sign

    Fantastic work, Barb! Thanks for sharing and God Bless! Spirithorse
    1 point
  37. dgman

    O Holy Night

    Pattern by Sue Mey from issue #69, Winter 2017 of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts. Backer is 1” Black Walnut. The stable is 1/2” Poplar. Joseph and Mary are Cherry. The Donkey is Mahogany. The Shepherd is Beach and the lamb is Poplar. Cut with Flying Dutchman Ultra Reverse blades ranging from #1 to a #9. Soaked in a 50/50 mixture of boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits. After 24 hours, top coated with Deft semi gloss spray lacquer. All of the pieces in the two sets I cut were cut from scrap Hardwoods.
    1 point
  38. alexfox

    Who like kittens?

    One more 3D project. 36 pieces, I use wooden dowels, but it can be assembled by gluing Video of making project (YouTube) 3D Cat pattern
    1 point
  39. "RUBBER" STAMP Pattern Project "Dragon Love" Thought I'd try my hand at making a rubber stamp with a logo on it, using my scroll saw. I designed the "Dragon Love" ornament and reduced it in size to about 4" I cut it out of birch plywood and made a backing for it and a handle to create a "rubber" stamp. Actually a wooden stamp to use on paper, wood or other materials. If this work out I'll make other patterns to be used for the same purpose. I bought an ink pad, but I don't think it was good enough. Seems like you would need one that is more moist. But it seemed to work after some practice. The project is easy enough to make but I made a video which you can check out on my YouTube Channel and you can also download the free pattern from there as well.
    1 point
  40. Scrappile


    1 point
  41. the master of disguise, Hard as i try i cannot for the life of me find any pilot entry holes.This project takes the cake and a blue ribbon sir.
    1 point
  42. Wichman

    Welcome sign

    Two coats of Minwax "Early American" on the letters, two coats of "dark walnut" on the birds, used an xcato Knife to put a light score line where I wanted to stain to stop, worked pretty good.
    1 point
  43. WOW! Just wow!
    1 point
  44. Very Sharp. Nice work.
    1 point
  45. amazing job
    1 point
  46. Beautiful job! I always like ur style.
    1 point
  47. Oh now that is just Awesome!! Beautiful work..Rest your eyes now and relax.
    1 point
  48. Great cutting all the detail. Great job!
    1 point
  49. Very Nice Whose pattern?
    1 point
  50. Don't think I have seen one of your pictures in a while. That is a great scene. Very well done.
    1 point
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