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  1. Foxfold


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2019 in all areas

  1. New Guy


    I cut two fish portraits a couple of days ago and thought I should have someone fishing that caught them. Pattern in the library by Grampa.
    8 points
  2. Old Dust

    Law of Gravity

    Bragging Rights This is a Steve Good pattern. I added the text. I did get a headache cutting this. Some cross eye too. John Old Dust
    5 points
  3. When Alex posted the Howling Wolf topic.....I just had to buy the pattern And of course as just a beginner quit hard pattern of course. BUT hey I am me and I just had to try as my third project when my second project was drying and before I could put the hooks on that one........ So I just printed the pattern and started. WHAHAHAHHA well that was easier said then done Before I was on the third layer I already broke about 7 blades, went a bit wrong here and there and really was broken because I was so concentrating on doing it right that I had to stop. BUT the next day, after I had finished my project for our dog leashes, it just kept on calling me.....do you know that feeling? So I just wanted to go on again and of course I flew through the blades I had hahahaha, had to order new ones otherwise I could not even finish it Luckily they arrived the next day so I was just jumping from joy that I could go on breaking some more This all said I finished it today and to be honest....I am quit proud at myself for how it turned out. Maybe not the very best but as my third project I am very pleased with it
    4 points
  4. Foxfold

    Wise Owl

    Something simple after all those 'spots' And I know just the little girl who would love to have this. I'll surprise her over the weekend with it.
    4 points
  5. Steve Good pattern,a request for a butterfly &rose for a urn I did the name to but forgot to take a picture 3/8 purple heart cut with a scroll reverse #3 roughly 4 hours cut time 2"x6"
    3 points
  6. Many thanks once again to @Birchbark for doing this pattern for me, it's truly appreciated. They are leaving home on Sunday I do hope it's to their liking but if not they can stay here with me, I love them.
    3 points
  7. Scott, I had that problem when I first put on the pegas clamp and was using PMG #3, did all that you have mentioned, turns out it was the upper arm not being level with the table top. I did one other thing, I put a piece of metal to replace the blade (one piece top to bottom), brought the set screw up to the metal just barely, then tightened the wing nut clamp. Then I did the top one after that, I think that insurs that the metal substitute for the blade was plumb.
    2 points
  8. I thought that was what Mineral Spirits was for!!!!!
    2 points
  9. this little nick-knack shelf was in the latest scroll saw woodworking magazine, I had in the mail when I returned from Oregon and my wife ask me to make it for her, so I did as I was told. (keeps peace in the family, that way). It is quite small but an easy one to cut. She liked it so that made me happy about doing it for her Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  10. I have an odd, and very specific question... Who here uses Pegas clamps as shown (with the top tension lever for saws like Excaliber, Pegas saw...) AND use Pegas Modified Geometry #3 blades. Must be PMG#3 and must be Pegas clamp with the tensioner. I know, odd question, but I'm having an odd issue and am trying to pinpoint the problem and see if others have run into it as well. Thanks
    1 point
  11. How in the world do you break 7 blades? Something isn’t right with your saw. I been scrolling for 10 years and maybe broken 3 blades due to cutting 1 1/2” stock. Had blades come loose from the clamp an get bent but not break.
    1 point
  12. I have Pegas Clamps on my Ex and never any problems with blades slipping, I agree with what Jim said about the set up of the upper clamp.
    1 point
  13. Foxfold

    Phone stand

    There's a man for you Give him a recipe for Lasagna and he'll make you Bolognese !!!
    1 point
  14. You did an amazing job cutting that. I couldn't cut anything near as good on my 3rd go. Congratulations,
    1 point
  15. Thanks Jim... to be sure I'm understanding, are you saying you adjusted the set screw so that it's barely showing into the opening?
    1 point
  16. Thanks Don, I'm actually working with Bob and he's been very helpful. It was just today that we narrowed it down to the upper clamp after various tests and his engineering group asking me questions.
    1 point
  17. Hi Miran, It's not about just getting it done...It's about the journey getting there! And the reward is for us all to see and say what a great job you did on your project!!! Thank you for showing us, Bob
    1 point
  18. very very nice
    1 point
  19. You might want to ask Bob Duncan National Sales Mgr. He used to be a Scroll Saw Work shop and did all the machine reviews. He still hangs our on SSW forum. http://www.grobetusa.com
    1 point
  20. Thanks everyone, and anyone else that chimes in. I'm having an issue where the MG#3 slips out of the upper clamp, on a pretty regular basis which then of course breaks the blade. No matter how tight I try to tighten. I've tried roughing up the end of the tightening screw, I rough up the ends of the blade, etc. Very odd. At first I thought it was something with my Pegas saw but in working with the manufacturer and at their suggestion moving the upper clamp to my DeWalt, it was doing the same thing there. I just wondered if anyone else has had this same issue but it seems like I'm the oddball in the group. Nothing unusual for me. (Yes, the set screw is set properly, I know that's the first thing everyone will ask. LOL)
    1 point
  21. tgiro

    Pegas clamp odd question

    Running an EX-21 with the Pegas clamps. I've used plenty of the MG #3 blades with no issue. What seems to be the problem. Note - I do intarsia, so I'm not locking and unlocking one end the blade for a bunch of interior cuts like fret work folks do.
    1 point
  22. tgiro

    Canisters or Bags

    For those of you who use Dust Collectors, do you use canister filters or bag filters? I'm using an old Delta 50-760 1.5 horse dust collector in my shop. The machine sits in a shed, outside of my shop, so I'm not bothered by noise or worried about effectiveness of the filter bag. I have a Thien Baffle 1st stage in front of the DC which catches 95+% of the sawdust leaving only the powdery dust to get to the filter bag. I tried a canister filter for awhile, but found I had to clean it (blow it out with the air compressor) about every two months. When that canister clogged my vacuum would drop around 50%. I can leave a bag on there for 4 - 5 months. I think the bags are good for filtering down to 5 microns. Not sure what the canisters filtered. The bags are cheaper than the canisters. I get them at Home Depot for around $50 per bag. The canisters ran $150 - $200. I have wound up with three bags. By swapping them out I have to clean the bags once every 13 - 16 months.
    1 point
  23. I have a Pegas Scroll saw and use #3 blades. No problem here. ...what problem you having?
    1 point
  24. rdatelle

    Optical Illusion

    That came out great brenda.
    1 point
  25. rdatelle


    Nice job on that one.
    1 point
  26. That came out great Brenda.
    1 point
  27. Scrappile


    Very nice.
    1 point
  28. daveww1


    very nice job
    1 point
  29. you've done a fantastic job
    1 point
  30. New Guy

    Crappie & Walleye

    These kept me busy for the last few days. Used 1/4 inch BBply # 1 Balde and # 1 spiral and 0/3 spirals Patterns in the library - Animals Pg 14 By David B Huntter 2/2008
    1 point
  31. Yea, me too. No matter how much I practice with them, I can do it faster, and more accurate with my goto blade.
    1 point
  32. JimErn

    Pattern remover tool

    My thoughts exactly. Stick the pattern to the wood, a little MS, and it lifts right off - tools not required
    1 point
  33. Scrolling Steve


    I like it !
    1 point
  34. wombatie


    Great work. Marg
    1 point
  35. What a couple of cuties. You did a great job Brenda and I love the rounded corners. I agree with Paul, you have come a long way. Marg
    1 point
  36. Welcome Miran. Beautiful wolfs.
    1 point
  37. Okay Paul. Leaving tomorrow for a week then I will try to swing by. grizz
    1 point
  38. dgman

    Phone stand

    I’m getting weary of you two! It’s getting to the point that I don’t even read posts when the two of you are on. I’m betting that a pretty good portion of the Village feels the same way!
    1 point
  39. Welcome to The Village. There are so many people from Europe and The UK on our site now. I love it that we are able to reach people on other continents. We are here to help you with anything to do with wood working. Just ask. From Southern Arizona, Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  40. woodduck


    Very nice just goes to show that simplicity works just as well as something more complicated.
    1 point
  41. Foxfold


    Beautiful. !!
    1 point
  42. woodduck


    Thanks Marg, I am hoping to sell these on the day. I know what you mean Marg our shed had a cheap scroll saw also so I donated my good first saw. A couple of blokes have given it a quick go but a lot of them seem to be a bit scared of it. I am sure they would love it if they only gave it a try. Cheers Peter
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I havn't seen this pattern myself, It does look rather funny! Thank you for posting Kevin! Bob
    1 point
  45. Fun little project Kevin, well done. Jeff
    1 point
  46. Jim Finn

    Phone stand

    Offered twelve of these phone stands for sale today for $10 and sold two.
    1 point
  47. I thought it was an interesting and amusing little item when I saw it on Steve's site, but I never thought it would interest anyone enough to make it. Boy am I wrong, once more. It seems I make this error a lot on patterns I see. Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
  48. I'm in the process of making six more. They are fun and get a laugh!
    1 point
  49. John B

    Packaging Puzzles

    Everybody has their own way of doing things, this is mine. I shrink wrap the puzzles with a card with a hint and the number of pieces. If I ramp up, I will include an email address and some other info. I have taken pics of the front and rear of the puzzles.
    1 point
  50. Jim Finn

    Phone stand

    I have altered the stand a bit in order to be able to charge the phone while in the stand.
    1 point
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