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  1. Rockytime



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  2. kmmcrafts



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  3. GPscroller



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  4. Ron Johnson

    Ron Johnson


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2020 in all areas

  1. Have a good friend who just bought a new house who enjoys his weekly poker night. Got this pattern from "Old Crow Scrollwerks" back in 2016 and thought it would be a nice house warming gift,(truth be told I bought it to cut for him but never got to it lol). 11 X 15, stack cut two 1/8 BBply. I have always loved the Dog Playing Pool pattern but could not find the one I wanted. Last week discovered it was by Charles Dearing so here it is finally. 11 X 14, stack cut two 1/8 BBply Jeff
    7 points
  2. Nickel Falls

    Wild Stallion

    H. Botas pattern
    6 points
  3. Well, here's a nice wood sign you can cut to help celebrate Independence Day with out the fireworks.
    4 points
  4. frankorona

    Red rose

    Hello friends, I show you this little work, I hope you like it. Thank you in advance for your comments. Greetings from Puebla, Mexico.
    4 points
  5. I've got some wood from a company that refurbishes vans. It's the stuff they rip out and throw away. It's not the holy grail of Birch Ply, but I'm quite pleased with the results anyway. Good enough to oil and put a backer on I think. It's just laid on my kitchen table at the minute. An H.Botas Pattern.
    3 points
  6. Well, I know I haven't posted many projects lately. Sometimes I hate the work to get it done to share! Plus, while I have done a few things - I haven't done a lot for various reasons. I did recently really like the curved lid box that Steve Good shared on his blog a few days ago. You can find it on his site here: http://scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com/2020/06/curved-lid-box.html; On his pattern, he used a lotus flower I believe, but I decided to use the butterfly in honor of my mother's love for them since this week would have been her 82nd birthday. We unfortunately lost her 4 years ago to Alzheimer's. I wanted a simple butterfly design so did a google search for a simple butterfly silhouette image. The box body is cherry, top of lid is maple, and inside of butterfly is purple heart. I have not completely finished the box. I had just finished sanding it and wiping it down with MS and thought I better go get a picture! So, while I was going to take the picture of my box, I figured I would take a picture of the hot air ballon puzzles that I did a while back as well. The hot air ballon puzzles were designed by Sarah Lyn Chamberlain. The Orange and white one was published in the Summer, 2020, Issue 79 of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts Magazine. It is the one with the tree frog Intarsia on the front cover found here: https://www.foxchapelpublishing.com/scroll-saw-woodworking-crafts-issue-79-summer-2020.html - Besides the pattern they put in the magazine, - they provided the second puzzle as a free download from their website which can be found here: https://1.shortstack.com/0tCJnG - They were cut from poplar wood and then painted full strength with Unicorn Spit paints. I thought they needed some bright colors as most hot air balloons do. The orange and white was in honor of my beloved hometown TN Vols and my daughter, who was here quarantine at the time, picked the colors for the other one. Just wanted you all to know that I am still scrolling some.
    3 points
  7. Oldmansbike

    New to me Hawk

    I found this slightly used 10 year old 220vs Ultra on Facebook market place about 1 1/2 hours from me. Went and looked at it today and it followed me home. Got it for 300 dollars. Will post pictures when I get it cleaned up. It was really dirty from sitting but everything worked fine. Got about 10 dozen blades too.
    2 points
  8. Since I'm new to the forum I figured I'd post a few pictures of projects I've done. Of course I can't find photos of the majority since I usually just gave them away. The picture with the "I love my saw" was my first and second project I ever did. I only scrolled the doberman on the dog bowl holder, but the project still turned out great so I figured I'd share. I also made the cake topper for my wedding out of purpleheart. You'll have to excuse the gross glue residue on the wood, this was taken right after I peeled it all off...of course I can't find the picture of it on the actual cake...
    2 points
  9. Foxfold

    My Finished Box

    Well, finally finished !! I'll give it a quick buff up on the day it leaves home. A Birthday present for my 'best' friend of 30yrs (a cat lady)I just hope she likes it. Don't know if it belongs here on this forum but the 'white wood' bits were done on my scrollsaw
    2 points
  10. Ron Johnson

    No One Home

    Pattern by Fish. Size 8 x 10, ⅛” BB ply.
    2 points
  11. dgman

    Ebony Wood Question(s)

    An oil based finish will darken the Ebony. What I would do is dip the pieces in a 50/50 mix of boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits. Wipe off the excess oil, then let it dry. Then apply a topcoat of your choice. Keep in mind anything that claims U.V. protection requires re application every year. It’s best just to keep it out of direct sunlight.
    2 points
  12. Rockytime

    Sawdust Static?

    Kool and free shipping too!
    2 points
  13. kmmcrafts

    Sawdust Static?

    I think this might work to move that sawdust.. You would need a hard hat and epoxy glue the hose onto the hat so when you look down it blows the dust off the line.. https://www.amazon.com/Husqvarna-570BTS-powerful-X-Torq-Backpack/dp/B008JL05I4?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_12
    2 points
  14. Rockytime

    Sawdust Static?

    Perhaps this only happens to me, but...I'm cutting 1/2" Cedar with #1 PMG blade. As I'm cutting fine sawdust piles up both behind the blade as well as in front of the blade which obscures the line I'm cutting. My dust collection is adequate. While it does not pick up the sawdust when the cut is completed it often sucks up the piece that was cut out. The DC orifice is 1/2" tubing. I've tried a Lock-Line nozzle which does not work as well I'm assuming it is static holding the sawdust in place. I tried wiping the pattern down with fabric anti-static sheets. Dumb, but it did not help. I just finished cutting 1/2" Oak with #3 PMG blade. No problem. So...just wondering, could it be the Cedar and small blade causing the condition. I don't call it a problem. When it occurs I just lift my foot off the foot switch, brush off the dust with an acid brush and continue. I would not post something so trite or weird but things are awfully slow in the Village this summer.
    1 point
  15. I've always loved the story of Christ carrying the storyteller.
    1 point
  16. alexfox

    Eagle project

    Here is special project for Independence Day (my new pattern) Video of making Eagle Eagle pattern
    1 point
  17. meflick

    Wild Stallion

    Nice, looks very fragile.
    1 point
  18. meflick

    Dogs playng around

    Ice work and your friend will love them no doubt.
    1 point
  19. DJ2772

    Ebony Wood Question(s)

    I actually made our wedding cake topper out of purple heart as well! A few previous projects that sat in the sunlight a few years also started to loose their beautiful purple luster and start browning so I've got our topper hidden in our wedding box. I didn't know they had UV finish, I'll have to check that out! Thanks!
    1 point
  20. I think most all wood changes color over time.. I'm not sure if it's part of a drying process or being exposed to light? Maybe the wood experts will chime in on this.. Years ago I made my wife a wedding ring cross out of purple heart as our wedding colors was purple.. anyway after about a couple years it turned brown ( the cross... not the wedding or marriage) Back then when I commented about it everyone said the purple heart does that if it is exposed to light.. It's only brown on the surface. sanding it ( allot ) changes it back to purple.. I'm not sure if you was to finish it with a UV ray type clear if it'd help or not.. I can only assume this might be what has happened to your piece here.. Maybe a sanding mop would help with the sanding? I don't have or never used one but I've read a lot folks using them for sanding things similar to these.. I'll leave the finishing question to some more experienced with other finishes.. since I almost only use Danish oil finishes..
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. daveww1

    Dogs playng around

    great job
    1 point
  23. daveww1

    Red rose

    beautiful job
    1 point
  24. Oldmansbike

    New to me Hawk

    I already have a 226 ultra my wife wants to learn so I bought this 220 for her
    1 point
  25. Looking good...Nice work !
    1 point
  26. Scrolling Steve

    Red rose

    That turned out great !
    1 point
  27. Scrolling Steve

    My Finished Box

    What a great project ....Very nice work !
    1 point
  28. Lovely work on all the projects
    1 point
  29. Fabulous work Melanie. Love the colors on the balloons. Marg
    1 point
  30. wombatie

    Dogs playng around

    They are both terrific. Idea for men's sheds or games rooms. Marg
    1 point
  31. wombatie

    Red rose

    That is beautiful Frank. Love the backing. Marg
    1 point
  32. Ron Johnson

    My Finished Box

    Awesome cat box Brenda. You've done a beautiful job. Was this cut on the bandsaw?
    1 point
  33. Awesome pattern and awesome cutting Brent.
    1 point
  34. Beautiful cutting on both great patterns Paul.
    1 point
  35. You can download it free on a smart phone or you can go online and sign up -- if you don't mind commercials it is free -- or you can pay 5.00 a month to get rid of commercials -- There is another price of 10 a month but I don't know what that adds -- If your car radio takes bluetooth then you can play it there through your phone
    1 point
  36. Nice work! I didn't know Charles Dearing made that pattern! Thanks for the info. God Bless! Spirithorse
    1 point
  37. Rockytime

    Sawdust Static?

    I don't use blowers on my saws. I want to get rid of the dust and not spread it. The dust from very tiny blades is nasty.
    1 point
  38. kmmcrafts

    Sawdust Static?

    It cuts easy.. just the sawdust is like sticky or something.. maybe sap from the tree? Not sure.. it does smell good to cut for a short while.. but after cutting several hours it gets a bit strong for me anyway..
    1 point
  39. Rockytime

    Sawdust Static?

    I agree Kevin. However, keeping in mind how fragile it is I love it for certain projects and it cuts beautifully. Smells good too.
    1 point
  40. kmmcrafts

    Sawdust Static?

    I quit cutting cedar shortly after starting.. there was two reasons.. and this was one of them.. The other reason was it was quite fragile.. not much strength to it after cutting out all the inside cuts.. I made ornaments with it thinking they'd be pretty out of the reddish color plus many people like the smell of it.. But for me they broke very easily.. the sawdust around the blade as you are experiencing.. also to me the smell was quite strong and irritating.. But I'll admit I cut it back when I was first learning scroll work back in 2005 ish.. never cut it again, LOL
    1 point
  41. OCtoolguy

    Sawdust Static?

    Doesn't your blower work? It should keep that dust from piling up.
    1 point
  42. GPscroller

    No One Home

    Another beauty Ron, very well done, love it. Jeff
    1 point
  43. Rockytime

    New to me Hawk

    You will LOVE your Hawk! I had the same saw which was AWESOME!
    1 point
  44. Rockytime

    Hello Everyone

    I'm sure glad you joined us. Lots we can learn from you. You've taught me something already. Stay away from 1-1/2X1-1/2 Ebony. Again, WELCOME!
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. I use Pandora app on my cell phone and have a small bluetooth speaker.. Sounds pretty darn good, My son has a "BOOM" brand speaker which sound good but the one they just got me for fathers day is this one from amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07235Z1GY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 As for the app.. I use the free verson which has some commercials / ads.. but I think ad free is $5.99 a month? I don't mind a commercial ever 4-8 songs so I'm cheap..
    1 point
  47. meflick

    My Finished Box

    Your friend is going to love that Brenda!
    1 point
  48. Denny Knappen

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome to the Village forum from Tennessee
    1 point
  49. Congratulations on your new saw. Hopefully it will give you many years of enjoyment!
    1 point
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