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  1. John B

    John B


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  3. namunolie



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2020 in all areas

  1. I am making heart series God love you is one of them I've been making only animal puzzles alphabet is quite new work but I am having a fun to make puzzle with letters~~ I 've practiced alphabet stuffs for could of weeks I put "Ilove U" heart pattern I hope you try and enjoy I tried to put loves but there is no more space for "s" I made short movie for this (74mb) 20200702_142003.mp4
    8 points
  2. Hello, this is a name display which I made a couple months ago. I have made a few name displays with one name but usually make them with two names. I design them using Inkscape, a free product with a lot of features. I cut this from a single piece of oak, 3/4" thick, 12" wide, 7.5" high. Cutting was done on a scroll saw. On the back I added a sawtooth hanger so it hangs on the wall.
    8 points
  3. Denny Knappen

    Puppy Coin Bank

    I have 5 great grandchildren and I will make one for each. This is #2 and others as they get older. The pattern is by Paul Meisel and found in SWWC issue 66. I used 3/4” Pine for the body and 1/2”Cherry for the ears. Cut on the Pegas Scroll Saw with Pegas #5R MGT blades. Comments welcome.
    5 points
  4. Jim McDonald

    Laminated stock

    Had a bunch of short scraps laying around and used a whole lot of Titebond3 and nearly every screw clamp I own to make a laminated blank for birdhouses. I cut one into the face of the blank and rotated the other one 1/4 turn and cut into the lamination. Used #5 crown tooth blade (one per birdhouse). Got some burning on one of them, but some good old 220 make quick work of that. Just an idea to use up small scraps. Might have been better with some thinner boards, but you play the cards you're dealt.
    5 points
  5. John B

    Skull Plaque

    G'day all, Not really bragging, I was just looking something on old drives and came across this plaque I made for my Daughter's friend about 14 years ago. From memory, it was something to do with a game?. The angled shot is the true colours. They are real photos, not digital, that I scanned into the computer way back then
    5 points
  6. alexfox

    First scroll saw box

    I decided to make something different, and chose box - it is practical and new for me. Also I added layered technic. Size: 7,5 x 4,5 x 3 inches. What do you think? Video of making box Flower box pattern
    4 points
  7. woodduck

    Hippy on Mini Bike

    Loved cutting this one, It is a pattern of Sam Custodio I think it is quite humorous. It was cut from 4mm marine ply with No1Penguin Silver Reverse blades. This one is No 20 for my best customer. Cheers Peter
    4 points
  8. ike

    saw breakdown

    My 18 month Delta has a ad bearing in it so I sent it to the repair shop for warentee work who knows how long that will take soi went and ordered a new Excalabor EX 21 I finally have enough money for it, but I didn't tell my Wife what it cost.Hope it doesn't take too long getting here , I will probably get my shop cleaned out it's been months since it was cleaned I didn't spend that much money for my first used car, a 57 chev IKE
    3 points
  9. Dutchscroller

    recent work

    i love making these type of lamps? night lights?
    3 points
  10. I've always loved the story of Christ carrying the storyteller.
    3 points
  11. We were married on July 2nd in 1966. Steve Good has an anniversary pattern for most years and I made use of it last weekend. The foreground is made of 6mm thick Figured Maple and the background of 18mm thick Baltic Birch plywood treated with Raspberry Saman stain. I took a photo of it on one of our kitchen widow-sills sitting beside a Valentine gift that I made earlier this year.
    2 points
  12. munzieb

    Flying Repeat

    I did the original Howard 500 plaque for a friend back in 7/17 because he had flown this aircraft many years ago. He invited me to join a FB group dedicated to recip corp aircraft. I posted it on that site an a member said that his Dad (+) had brought it back from Canada for restoration at his shop in FFL and he had also flown it for a few years before they sold it. Made a plaque for him also but added his Dad's company name. I made some mods to the original pattern for easier cutting. Some of the peninsulares were kind of floppy and thin on the nose.
    2 points
  13. Fedido

    Dewalt 788 repack

    I have been not checking this amazing site due to numerous things, but one of them was repacking the bearings on my saw. I used the following video: The video proved useful and I even learned a few things to share. 1. don’t attempt this in your garage in the dead of summer in South Carolina 2. 7mm nuts can be replaced with nuts off the shelf at Lowe’s. (Stripped nut, not one that escaped). 3. see rule one while the reason for doing it was that the tension and the lifter arm were not smooth, I ended up greasing those bearings and it is good to go now. Did I mention not to do this in your garage in the hatters part of the year in South Carolina? also had a bracket break, hence the long turn time. Just thought I would share the experience and I will not be doing that for a while.
    2 points
  14. OCtoolguy

    Dewalt 788 repack

    I use a program called "aTubewatcher" to download videos from youtube to my computer. After downloading all 4 of them I used Windows MovieMaker to stitch them all together into one movie. I referred to it often when I had my 788.
    2 points
  15. I was inspired to make this from a picture on Pinterest. Made of walnut and cherry.
    2 points
  16. Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well and staying safe. I wanted to share my latest scroll saw project, Kris, from the Scroll Saw Village, allowed me to use his pattern that I cut as a gift for a 10 year old baseball fan. Conner was aware of Babe Ruth, but had no idea of who Lou Gerhrig was, his mom told me that he went on the internet after we left and he did a bunch of research on Lou, who is now on his list of baseball heroes. I added the iconic Yankee Stadium Frieze, which I think is historically correct to the time frame that they played in the old stadium. Ann Marie cut out the names and the patriotic baseball images on her Circuit vinyl cutter and we attached them onto the homemade frame to finish the job.If you're under 75 yers old, you may not know who these guys are.Thanks for looking.Rick
    2 points
  17. A couple of weeks ago Ron Johnson posted his Scrollsawn Jewelry Box. That inspired me to drag out the book that I have had for over 5 years and search for the pattern. This is a practice piece for making Christmas gifts for my Grand daughters with some more exotic wood. This was made with poplar and stained. With Ron's help I changed the procedure so there are no cuts that had to be glued back together. Made a few mistakes along the way but will know better next time. Fun project and thank you Ron for the inspiration.
    2 points
  18. munzieb

    Another Airplane

    I had held off doing a P-51 for a while since a few have been posted in the past but finally decided I needed to add it to my collection. I went a little large 16 x 11.5 because I wanted to put a face on the pilot. I also did my paint in method on the fuselage and wing roundels. Font is Corsair.
    2 points
  19. Hmmm....Brand = nobrand. Made and direct shipped from China with 2-3 month delivery. No warranty info and spec sheets said made of steel. All these are to me anyway STAY AWAY RED FLAGS.
    2 points
  20. The message comes through loud and clear even with out the "S". A wonderful message for sure!
    2 points
  21. trackman

    Hey everybody.

    My wife the artist tells me art will tell you what it wants. That board was made for that project!
    2 points
  22. DME72

    Dewalt 788 repack

    gwinnett woodworkers has a 4 part series on tearing down and fixing the dewalt 788 scroll saws, search youtube for the videos. all total they are several hours long. lots of great info though doug
    1 point
  23. Here's a fun pattern you might find useful. Download Free Pattern
    1 point
  24. RabidAlien

    Puppy Coin Bank

    Cute pup, nicely cut!
    1 point
  25. Denny Knappen

    saw breakdown

    Enjoy the new Saw
    1 point
  26. Yes, I woodburned the lettering on this one.
    1 point
  27. namunolie

    God love you + I love u

    thanks alot~~ after training alphabet I could make batter massage puzzle~~ have a niceday~~
    1 point
  28. lawson56

    Hippy on Mini Bike

    Down Right Cool.Love it!! Awesome job!!
    1 point
  29. Now that is Just Down Right Awesome!!
    1 point
  30. lawson56

    Skull Plaque

    I like it.Fantastic job,I did a few Skulls last week.Hope to sell them this weekend.
    1 point
  31. wombatie

    Skull Plaque

    Well it's certainly different. Not sure if I like it but you did a good job. Marg
    1 point
  32. John B

    God love you + I love u

    A great puzzle Namunolie With my luck I'd drop if and never get it back together again as the number of pieces are effectively doubled, being both sides are the same. Good stuff
    1 point
  33. Well, I've been on this debate for a long time and finally broke down ( literally saw broke ) and ordered a bunch of stuff, LOL First off, My EX-21 started having fits again.. last fall it did the same ordeal and I took it all apart.. cleaned up the bearings etc, and greased with good synthetic grease.. When I took it apart the bearings was pretty bad.. however there was no source for the sleeve inserts so I just greased and put it back together.. Made it about 100 hours more before the thing got really loud again and has picked up a pretty bad vibration.. Actually surprised it made it that long.. couple of the bearings was dried of any grease and actually had rusted.. took a lot of work to clean it and free it up, LOL.. So a few weeks ago I talked to Ray at Seyco about the parts.. since I have the made in China saw that he doesn't support parts for.. We concluded that the parts are the same but he mentioned that he doesn't guarantee fitment of the parts because he's not sure of the tolerances of the China made saw.. but since I'd be replacing everything he said it all should work well.. the issue is when you only replace portions of the parts they may not fit etc.. So I finally ordered all new parts everything will be replace short of the electronics to the better made parts.. nearly $300 in parts.. I contemplated buying a new saw.. but if I go to a new saw it'll be a Pegas and I'd need to add another $500 to the funds to do that.. so for now I'm just renewing the saw I have.. I decided to wait on the Pegas to see what they're going to come up with for a new bigger table etc.. and maybe I'll pick up a new one this fall / winter.. I also been wanting to add dust collection to my saws.. I've been thinking this through for at least 2 years, LOL ( as you can see I'm not much of a impulse purchaser LOL ) .. I've studied many of the homemade systems.. and also the Seyco.. My original plan was to build a PVC manifold and buy a Festool or Fein.. But also I like tools and ready made systems.. I have 6 saws but only really use 4 of them.. A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a Metro Vac and bought the parts ( hose and cyclone separator ) Vac came in a week or so ago but waiting on the other goodies to show up.. Since I have so many saws I need more than one system so I also ordered a Seyco dust system too.. I'll be adding that one to the EX-21 as it's kinda made and set up for that type saw.. the other I'll be adding to one of the Hawk saws.. as time permits.. since I'm going to be making that set up from pieces and parts rather than a kit It could be a while before I get too it as I've been really quite busy.. Hence my reasoning to just pick up the Seyco system for the EX-21.. so I can have at least one saw hooked up.. As much cutting as I've been doing the dust floating around is getting kinda crazy.. I'm hoping to get around to making a scroll saw room where it'll be heated before winter comes so I'm not wanting to fool around a whole lot with building a dust collection.. SO.. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll get a minute to rebuild the entire EX-21 and hook up the seyco dust collector. Maybe the other dust system pieces and parts will show up and I'll have time to get it hooked up to the Hawk before I start building my sawing room..
    1 point
  34. I made the pattern off a picture I saw.
    1 point
  35. I've got some wood from a company that refurbishes vans. It's the stuff they rip out and throw away. It's not the holy grail of Birch Ply, but I'm quite pleased with the results anyway. Good enough to oil and put a backer on I think. It's just laid on my kitchen table at the minute. An H.Botas Pattern.
    1 point
  36. It is 4" deep. Cut each layer individually........glue them together and then sand.
    1 point
  37. Fedido

    Another Airplane

    No worries as I do too. The one thing the allies we not aware of is the 262 would fly past the bombers fast, so they did a porpoise maneuver so that they could get another bomber in the formation, as Walter Schuack was doing that, my man put his P-51 in a dive and intercepted, let a burst out and the left wing started smoking. He followed the 262 to the clouds and lost it. Turns out, the left wing disintegrated.
    1 point
  38. Since I'm new to the forum I figured I'd post a few pictures of projects I've done. Of course I can't find photos of the majority since I usually just gave them away. The picture with the "I love my saw" was my first and second project I ever did. I only scrolled the doberman on the dog bowl holder, but the project still turned out great so I figured I'd share. I also made the cake topper for my wedding out of purpleheart. You'll have to excuse the gross glue residue on the wood, this was taken right after I peeled it all off...of course I can't find the picture of it on the actual cake...
    1 point
  39. Nickel Falls

    Wild Stallion

    H. Botas pattern
    1 point
  40. Ron Johnson

    No One Home

    Pattern by Fish. Size 8 x 10, ⅛” BB ply.
    1 point
  41. RabidAlien

    Another Airplane

    Love the print! The 262 was actually operational in.....42 or 43, I believe, but Hitler was convinced it was a bomber or recon plane, not a fighter. Had he used it as a fighter, Europe would look VERY different today (since air superiority was one of the things that tipped the scales in the Allies' favor). This decision of Hitler's is one of the reasons I think he was one of our best assets during WW2. He piddled resources/capital/experts away on stupid miracle weapons, mis-used everything (see: 6th Army at Stalingrad), let his ego get in the way (see again: Stalingrad) and ignored or shot his greatest assets (Rommel). If it weren't for Hitler, we probably wouldn't have had to fight WW2. If it weren't for Hitler, we probably wouldn't have won WW2. LOL
    1 point
  42. RabidAlien

    Another Airplane

    Good all-round aircraft! The P47 was more geared towards ground attack (and could soak up an INCREDIBLE amount of damage), the P38 will always be my favorite.....but they all looked like they were standing still up against the Me262. Nicely cut!
    1 point
  43. Another GREAT pattern Kris. Thanks for sharing. Rick
    1 point
  44. Awesome! I’ve tried to find a pattern of that before too. Yours is the first I’ve seen.
    1 point
  45. That's some handy work!!!
    1 point
  46. GPscroller

    Dogs playng around

    Have a good friend who just bought a new house who enjoys his weekly poker night. Got this pattern from "Old Crow Scrollwerks" back in 2016 and thought it would be a nice house warming gift,(truth be told I bought it to cut for him but never got to it lol). 11 X 15, stack cut two 1/8 BBply. I have always loved the Dog Playing Pool pattern but could not find the one I wanted. Last week discovered it was by Charles Dearing so here it is finally. 11 X 14, stack cut two 1/8 BBply Jeff
    1 point
  47. Goat

    Eagle Head

    About 16"x10.5"
    1 point
  48. Wilson142

    Old Iron

    Looks like a cross between something from "My Favorite Martian" and and industrial malt machine.
    1 point
  49. I've recommended these books several times, in various finishing threads. I'll do so again. They really are worth the effort to get and read.
    1 point
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