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  1. Charlie E

    Charlie E

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2024 in all areas

  1. keefie

    Two Projects finished

    Just finished a picture for my new Dentist, I had already done one of these for my old dentist but he retired so I did one for the young lady that's just taken over from him. The other one is two interconnecting hearts. they are made from English Yew and finished with sanding sealer and acrylic lacquer. Hope you like them.
    8 points
  2. Made this for my flower loving wife for Spring for our front porch. It's about 12" X 20". I'm not sure of the wood type. It looks like oak but it's light as balsa wood and is quite strong. The pattern is from a stencil I bought on Etsy.
    8 points
  3. edward

    Two Items Finished

    First one is Steve Good and the seconmd is Sue Mey
    2 points
  4. I have a central DC Jet Vortex DC 1100 VX with canister filter. It is connected to a 4" network to all of my Machines. I do have a couple of 2" drops for small cleanup. Those drops are not nearly as effective/efficient as a regular High velocity SHOP VAC. For every turn, bend or drop you lose a percentage of flow. This system should be connected to a shop vac not a DC. Probably OK for sanding dust. I don't see it working very well for normal turning with bigger chips flying.
    2 points
  5. Well I can tell you right now that the best dust collection at a lathe is a good dust collector system. This is not that. This is a supplement of for using a true dust collector. It is designed for use with a shop vac. The photo where they hook to a dust collector is pretty but because you are choking down the size of the hose the efficiency is so pinpoint it is not worth it in my opinion. As I said my objective is to be more pinpoint because of the dust I will produce when turning those billiardballs. Even when I try it on my tablesaw I do not expect much because again I have to focus right over the blade. My dust collection on my lathe is a 8" hood with a 4" hose hooked to it and works well but dust gets pulled toward it. It is a bigger hood so captures more dust as this is a small hood to match the CFMs of the shop vacs.
    2 points
  6. I finally completed this project. I took me the longest of any project I have tried in my years of scrolling. Took two tries. I wanted to make a picture of a modern diesel train engine for my nephew-in-law that is a conductor. I could not find a pattern of one. Talking to @munzieb one time I mentioned it to him, he told to send him a picture of what you want and he would make a pattern. And he did, a real detailed pattern. A beautiful pattern.. I worked on it, gave up once, then decided to try again. I worked on this over a period of 4 or 5 months. Bernd Would call every once in a while to see how I was doing. I told him I was about to give up. I just could not scroll like I use to. He said he would give it a try. Two weeks latter he sends me his completed scrolled picture of it! So the challenge was thrown down. I had to quit whining and keep cutting. Finally got there. Many, many thanks to Bernd for the coaching and encouragement. Would never have finished it without it. I still have to frame it. The first picture is mine, the second is the one he cut and sent to me. His was even more difficult than mine, his was a little smaller.
    1 point
  7. Jane Hiatt

    large mouth bass #3

    For an avid bass fisherman, a friend of my son who lives in Reno. He loves to go for bass. This big boy is the third one of this pattern that I have completed this winter. Getting ready to UPS to the customer. Pattern by Candy Zine, this piece is again, cut into an inch and a quarter (1-1/4) maple burl slab. I mainly used my Seyco 21" for this project with straight blades, since I struggle with spirals.
    1 point
  8. rjweb

    Spring Welcome Sign

    Charlie, very nicely done, also brownie points, RJ
    1 point
  9. Scrappile

    Spring Welcome Sign

    That piece shines of awesomeness.... Well it does!
    1 point
  10. Charlie E

    Spring Welcome Sign

    Thanks, Barb. Usually we look for the right piece of wood for a pattern. This time it was the other way around. Since it was for my wife I showed her the wood and let her find a pattern. She did good.
    1 point
  11. This showed up on my FB page this morning.. I thought it was interesting set up.. I think it might work well for fine dust but I don't see how this would work for chips.. I see it getting plugged up with chips.. https://mullettools.com/products/mullet-boom-arm?fbclid=IwAR0lxHwegDTkpLSImNQdWxhcSu7dxCxsyKEDZdgPhWzdzm7jedLUI9deLts
    1 point
  12. Rolf is correct. This is made to fit on shop vacs and not dust collectors. I do have some 2" hoses set up like Rolf from my large dust collector but they go to my spindle sander and one of my portable sanders. Those do not collect chips, they collect dust only. That is why we can get away with it. If you scroll through the photos that are embedded in that original link, you will see what the intensions are of this tool and you will see how it was intended to be used. The shop vac just needs to be a fairly powerful one like the Ridgid units. The size does not matter. they show more of the pieces you can buy to compliment this articulating arm. As I said if you have a decent dust collector system (dust collector is different than shop vac system) then branching off it like they show will work but limited. They are not designed for small hoses like that. A shop vac is. All your questions are answered in that OP link. Just need to keep scrolling and following the questions asked and answers given and within them there are additional links to click on. You can see videos of it in action and all. It is pricey, but some woodworkers that I trust have given their approval on it so it does work. These have been sold at woodworking shows for awhile now.
    1 point
  13. A perfect piece of wood for the sign. Well done!
    1 point
  14. This has been a helpful discussion. What I now understand is that this is a repositionable hood mounted on 1.5" PVC. When connected to a properly designed dust/chip collection system, it can work well. Their website says "Build out your setup to fit your needs". The next question is, what is the right vacuum for this size hood and PVC line? And this will differ if one includes a chip separator. Can anyone point me to a tutorial on how to determine the right vacuum for such a setup?
    1 point
  15. flarud

    Dogwood - finished

    That is really awesome! Man, I gotta step up my game! Lots of nice stuff being posted.
    1 point
  16. flarud

    Two Projects finished

    Nice! I gotta Google English Yew.
    1 point
  17. That is very nice. Thanks for sharing. Jerry
    1 point
  18. Thanks Marie, You know I have used the scoring method in the past and it really worked well...Never even thought about on the cutting when I needed it most... ! Where you with the reminder three months ago?! I bought a used mower. Only 40 hours on it. Looks good but I probably got took. I have not used it yet, want to do a 50 hour tune up on it first.
    1 point
  19. Paul, That is amazing! It looks like it is ready to move right out of the picture frame. I can't believe the detail. Excellent work...Now I hope you get to buy your new lawn mower and start mowing. I see it has been quite warm down in your neck of the woods. ....Also, to get those longer straight lines, did use a razor or something to score the wood before cutting it?
    1 point
  20. I have been having good luck with the Masterforce tools from Menards. They seem to be a step up from Harbor Freight and about the same price. I bought a cordless drill driver set on Black Friday 7years ago and it’s still going strong and I use it a lot. Just bought a RO sander to replace a 2 year old Craftsman that shot craps. The dust collector on it is like a mini cyclone so far it’s working good very little dust in the air while sanding.
    1 point
  21. Oh, that... It's a holder for small parts. I have several of these with holes of different sizes. Here are some examples of how I use them.
    1 point
  22. Both are great cuttings. I rather enjoy when patterns have heavy detail. I just look at it as "one hole at a time."
    1 point
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